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Deanism #3
Published on April 18, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

As much as many members of the left tried not to politicize the death of Terri Schiavo, some people forgot to tell Screaming Dean.  Who now says the cornerstone of the 06 and 08 strategy to regain power will be in telling America that Democrats represent the party of Death over Life.

To be fair, he did not use those terms, but he might as well have as he did say:

"This is going to be an issue in 2006, and its going to be an issue in 2008 because we're going to have an ad with a picture of (House Majority Leader) Tom DeLay saying, 'Do you want this guy to decide whether you die or not? Or is that going to be up to your loved ones?"'

I dont see how a person, who becomes a medical doctor, can be so dumb tho.  But he is bound to open this pandora's box and let the evil genie of the party of death out for all America can see.  No longer will republicans need to spend money on ads.  They can just use The multiple deanisms that this supposed doctor (quack is more like it) utters destroy the party that he has been elected to lead.

He may try to spin it any way he wants, but the real fact is that not a single Repbulican interfered with the process.  No, they merely opened the process up to the federal courts (as has been done many times before with other issues) and then let the courts decide.  But courts are not up for election, and their failure to save this woman from cruel and inhumane treatment will not be the issue.  That the democrats are reveling in and celebrating death as a victory only shows their stupidity and their complete lack of any morals or conscious.

I hope he does do exactly what he is claiming he will do as it will expose him and his ilk for the hypocrits they are.  It is inhumane to starve a dog or cow, but not a human.  Is that going to be the new Democrat mantra?  Do they really want to be known as the party of cruelty to people but compassion for pets?

Dr. Death is a cartoon character in the movie Overboard.  Apparently, Dean has resurrected the role, but in this case it is not funny, it is sad.

on Apr 18, 2005
The insanely funny part is that Dean is basically saying that they can really grill the Republicans in 2006 because Republicans shouldn't have politicized the issue... which is... politicizing the issue...

I think people will see through it. It's cheap to the extreme. Again, Dean thinks pro-death Democrats are center when every election in the last few years has placed moderate, social-conscious Republicans and morally conservative Dems there. So, instead of courting the center, he is antagonizing them.

Most people support the right to die, they support it with many reservations. A large percentage of the nation supports limited abortion rights, but with many reservations. Just because they get a few nods in the polls, Dem leadership thinks it can look at these questions and say "duh". On the contrary, even people who support these rights are very concerned with how they are regulated.

The fact is, if they posted a pic of Dean and asked 'Do you want this guy to decide whether you die or not?', he wouldn't get any more approval. SOMEONE is going to decide the legal process of this issue, and I don't think people are any more comforable with Democrats deciding.
on Apr 18, 2005
The fact is, if they posted a pic of Dean and asked 'Do you want this guy to decide whether you die or not?', he wouldn't get any more approval. SOMEONE is going to decide the legal process of this issue, and I don't think people are any more comforable with Democrats deciding.

IN all honesty, besides being incredibly stupid, Dean is just doing what every democrat has done for the past 15 years. Whet the finger and stick it into the poll winds. What he does not understand, is that when the American people were given the truth of Terri Schiavo, they overwelmingly rejected the death penalty for her.

It is either incredibley myopic on his part, or incredibly stupid for him to even try to politicize it. But then I he has not shown a lot of intelligence in the past year and half anyway.
on Apr 18, 2005
Who knows what is going to happen between now and 08? Events make goats and heros... Just wait.
on Apr 18, 2005
it would be a much better idea to run an ad featuring a photo of frist with a headline like: "can't afford to be seen by your doctor? no problemo. let senate majority leader bill frist diagnose your condition all the way from washington dc--for free!"
on Apr 18, 2005
Let her rest in peace! A plague on both your houses!
on Apr 18, 2005
"let senate majority leader bill frist diagnose your condition all the way from washington dc--for free!"

Given the doctors in question weren't allowed to do any conclusive tests in the last few years, why not? Not much difference.
on Apr 20, 2005
You would think a Medical Doctor would know the consent laws. The way they stand now, If a medical professional has a patient who is unable to communicate their wishes, the law requires the medical professional to treat the patient. In the absence of a written and living will, DNR or Power of Attorney, the family has NO SAY.

I have treated many patients, against the will of the family, because there was no documentation allowing me to legally withhold treatment. In some of those cases, I agreed with the family, but not enough to risk jail.

Dean running the DNC is the best thing that could have happened, for all other parties!
on Apr 20, 2005
it would be a much better idea to run an ad featuring a photo of frist with a headline like: "can't afford to be seen by your doctor? no problemo. let senate majority leader bill frist diagnose your condition all the way from washington dc--for free!"

Way to get one!! ;~D
on Apr 22, 2005

Who knows what is going to happen between now and 08? Events make goats and heros... Just wait.

That is a truism.  Dean could lose his job between now and then, which would really help the democrats.

on Apr 22, 2005

it would be a much better idea to run an ad featuring a photo of frist with a headline like: "can't afford to be seen by your doctor? no problemo. let senate majority leader bill frist diagnose your condition all the way from washington dc--for free!"

I am not sure how that relates, as no one was diagnosing anything, but at least it is more positive.

on Apr 22, 2005

Given the doctors in question weren't allowed to do any conclusive tests in the last few years, why not? Not much difference.

And neither Frist or anyone else offered a diagnosis, just the option for another one to be performed.  They did not dictate anything, they just gave life more options.

on Apr 22, 2005

I have treated many patients, against the will of the family, because there was no documentation allowing me to legally withhold treatment. In some of those cases, I agreed with the family, but not enough to risk jail.

Yours is an impossible job, but it also demonstrates that when in doubt, err on life.  Unfortunately for the democrats, they seem to be saying "life be damned, death full ahead".