Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
"If I had only known, that the talking was on me..."
Published on April 16, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Sorry for the bad rendition and butchering of "I started a joke".  But (as Iconoclast accused me of with another song), my article put that song in my head.

I closed that article as I saw that, while I was getting tea and sympathy (not wanted really), "you Are an ass" and some advice, that was not the purpose of the article.  Indeed, I did let my temper get the best of me on several responses and to those I may have flamed, i do appologize.

No, the purpose of the article was to draw attention to a part of the law that makes fathers second class citizens.  And as a side light, it also draws attention to the tyranny of SOME of the judiciary.

As an update, I am not sitting down and doing a pity pat party with my visitation, and I am documenting everything.  But the main problem is that with children, time is not on your side, and while I may gain the day eventually, eventually, all my children will be grown and I will have missed out on it.

No, I am active in this for another reason.  I do not see a resolution to it for my situation, but I hope, like the many support groups I have contacted and consulted (It is a special bookmark in my browser), to make sure it does not happen again.

To those that said "this is one sided", I can only offer you a DUH!  It is my blog after all.  I doubt my ex has the intelligence to create her own, but she is free to do so!

for those that said "Document".  I am.  But that will not help me as it will be too late, but at least perhaps it will help others.

And for those who harped on the custody issue, let me state, for the record, I did not contest that at first.  We agreed.  But when I saw her beat my youngest children, for the simple reason they had misbehaved (beat, not discipline), my heart broke and I cried out and told her to stop it.  her response?

She ignored me.

While the tale is deffinitely one sided (have you ever written a dialogue that states both sides?), it is true and accurate.  And for now, 2 of my 4 children are beyond her grasp.  2 are not.  And those are the 2 that I still worry about, and yes, I do call Child Protective services on her, and even the Sheriffs department. (I was told there was nothing they could do, and I explained I just wanted my complaint on record).

I dont know when the pendulumm will swing back to the middle, but I really do hope it does not swing the other way and settles in the middle.  I know there are a lot of cretins out there that could best be described as sperm donors.  My father was one of them.

But there are also millions of fathers out there that are good and caring and loving.  And are being denied what they want and deserve in the upbringing of their children.  And they are the ones that are being cheated and treated like second class citizens.  I do urge anyone who is interested to read MasterWriter's own blog on this issue as it did inspire me to post to get some notice. 

his case is not a lot different.  But like me, he is resigned that he cannot affect his chlidren's lives, and I think he wrote it as a call to arms so that perhaps in the future, other Masterwriters and Dr. Guys do not have to suffer the way we have.

that was my cause and my case.  I appreciate all the comments, and appologize for a temper that surfaces quickly and violently when my children are called in to the question.

We only seek justice that is so far denied.  And Hope we can make a difference for future fathers.

Peace and Hope to all.

on Apr 16, 2005
I hope that your use of "accused" was not meant negatively. I wasn't being sarcastic. I enjoyed it.
on Apr 16, 2005

I hope that your use of "accused" was not meant negatively. I wasn't being sarcastic. I enjoyed it.

No, it was just an acknowledgement.  Accused was probably not the right word.  I should have said you told me.  Sorry for the loaded word!  I was just acknowledging where it came from.


on Apr 16, 2005

Reply By: Tarantual-x (Bob's devoted diva)(Anonymous User)Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2005

No accusations, no emotion.  just the facts. bye.

on Apr 17, 2005
Dr. Guy, my apologies, I understand you condition- hitting the bottle makes compusre difficult. Wink!

Besides, emotions are natural, desired, as I am human- not wood or stone. After all, wasn’t it emotion that made you dive for the delete button? I sure could use a drink. Wink!

Dr. Miller is in the house.
on Apr 17, 2005

Besides, emotions are natural, desired, as I am human- not wood or stone. After all, wasn’t it emotion that made you dive for the delete button? I sure could use a drink. Wink!

that you ask, I will answer.

No, I have warned you and told you already.  post on topic, or register.  I dont delete either of those.  But I do delete non-topic, anon users.

Registration is free.  Anon posting on topic is always welcome, whether we agree or not.

on Apr 17, 2005
Heya Dr Guy, this is quite a cause i must say, and since i'm not a parent i cant really add anything constructive. I didnt know you were going through all this, i only hope that eventually justice will be made...
Just something maybe, dont give up DrGuy, it would be nice for your children to know that you didnt let them down.
on Apr 17, 2005
I'm not sure that this is really a gender bias issue so much as just a general problem with our justice system, one that I'm not sure we can rectify. The courts have to make a decision about these things based on what you say in court, rather than seeing how you actually parent your children.

"have you ever written a dialogue that states both sides?)"

Sorry to nitpick, but I think you mean monologue

Doc, it sounds like you've been hard done by. I really do believe that both parents should have the right to see their children (as long as they're not abusing that right of course). Chin up mate, keep fighting, just as hard as the suffragettes did.
on Apr 18, 2005
Just something maybe, dont give up DrGuy, it would be nice for your children to know that you didnt let them down.

You may not be a parent, but you are very wise. Truer words were never spoken. Thank you.
on Apr 18, 2005
Sorry to nitpick, but I think you mean monologue

Ok, Monologue. I was just trying to make the point that it was my blog and of course it was my opinion/side. Now you know why I will never run for president too!
on Apr 18, 2005
Doc, it sounds like you've been hard done by. I really do believe that both parents should have the right to see their children (as long as they're not abusing that right of course). Chin up mate, keep fighting, just as hard as the suffragettes did.

Dont worry, as I said, I will continue the fight even tho I doubt I will see justice as chlidren grow up too fast!

But that does remind me of a question. SInce you live in Australia, is it as bad there? I really have not looked at other countries, I figure this one is screwed up enough.