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He has learned from the left
Published on April 16, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Kofi has decided after all that the oil for Food scam was not the fault of his son or any of the other miscreants that profitted from the Oil for Food Scam.  No, he blames the US and Britian!  Why?  Cause we did not go in earlier and take Saddam out!

WOW!  What a difference 2 years make!  First he was railing against us for not allowing diplomacy to work (what diplomacy), and now that he has been caught with his hands in the cookie jar, he is saying we should have gone in earlier!

Which is not surprising.  It is the same tactic used by liberals when they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  Nancy Pelosi - dont look at my unethical behaviour, we must damn Delay! bernie Sanders - Dont talk to me about payments to my wife and daughter, I am a socialist!

And on and on and on.  When caught with their hands in the cookie jar, the mantra repeated over and over again by the left is to blame the messenger for finding out! "It is not my fault!  If they had no found out, there would be no crime!".

I think that is why some murderers try to hide the bodies.  And in those cases, in the liberal lexicon, we should prosecute the police for daring to dig up the bodies!

makes sense to me.


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