Yesterday, I brought you the story of how Barbara Boxer had torpedoed her own cause by bodly demanding of the 'unbiased' Mainstream Media that they toe the line and print the democrat propaganda. And for that, I got a 'your stupid' from one poster and 'your paranoid' from another. (To be fair, the second one did manage to go back and reread the article and issue a quasi clarification.)
It was but one of a long list of stories that show how the left, in their zealousness and hate, are alientating those they seek to reach. And today, we bring you another, from none other than the Politically Correct Capital of the US, Harvard.
Recently there was CounterTerrorism career Panel for those thinking of making a career in one of the organizations that fight it. This was not a dog and pony show as there were people there that also offered opposing viewpoints. But I will let the author of the piece tell you what the loony left did:
At 3 p.m. yesterday, the Harvard Office of Career Services hosted a counterterrorism career panel that included representatives from the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, and two non-partisan security think tanks. Joining the panelists were two distinct groups of Harvard students: one genuinely interested in potential careers in counter-terrorism, and another group consisting of rude, self-proclaimed morally superior, intellectually indoctrinated protestors. Let me be perfectly clear, while a tasteful protest marched on outside the Science Center, I am referring to the disruptive protestors sitting at the event. The propagandists’ techniques of disruption varied: their base tactics ranged from coughing incessantly to the point where none of the panelists could be heard, interrupting presentations to ask ludicrous questions such as “Isn’t it true you train your employees to torture,” staging a mock deportation of an ethnic minority protestor midway through the discussion, clapping obnoxiously to halt the dialogue, and ridiculing students who posed legitimate questions to the panelists. A protestor sitting three rows behind me physically made himself vomit.
Ok, so we see again that the left cannot offer a serious debate, and instead reverts to vulgar tactics and obstruction of those who they do not agree with. But the most telling part was the reaction from, an admittedly left leaning, harvard crowd:
The chatter after the event, among the legitimate audience, consisted of a single strain: sheer disgust. Liberal and conservative students alike were mortified and disgusted by the behavior of the protestors who were not only disruptive to the panelists but were disrespectful to their fellow Harvard students. Less than an hour after the panel, Russell P. Leino ’05, posted an e-mail to the Cabot House open-list stating that “I always thought the point of a protest was to offer an alternative idea to the one being presented, not drown out ideas one disagrees with in a sea of noise.” Vomiting and wearing black shrouds referencing Abu Ghraib are not effective means of encouraging positive social change and awareness. Rather than seek mutually beneficial dialogue or intellectually rigorous discourse that would result in an increased, more holistic, awareness, radical students, who I am ashamed to call my peers, engaged in counterproductive debauchery. The protestors’ actions demonstrated a disdain for diversity of opinion, and as a result, the incredibly disruptive protest was a step backward for progressive politics at Harvard. Unfortunately, the previous leniency of the administration with regard to more tasteful student protests will surely regress.
So once again, the loony loopy luddite left has shot themselves in the foot by their very actions, and lack of a coherant argument.
Man, by design of God, was born fallible. But with the capacity to learn from their mistakes and to move on (pun intended). But for some Darwin rejects, that lesson will never be learned and they will be forever damned to be the also rans as they cannot learn, and they never will.
It is fortunate that their aim is so poor. Otherwise there would be a mass murder going on, instead of a bunch of hop-along cassidys on the left.