{{{{Liberal Warning......You are not going to like the source}}}}
The title to this article is from Ann Coulter. Now before just trashing this article, it might behoove you to know that she does not speak from prejudice, but Experience.
She was the object of how liberals argue when they cant win. With physical violence.
Now, I will be the first to admit that getting Pied can be funny at times, but not when it is used to stiffle free speech as has been the case all too often as of late. But I will also be the first to state that men picking on women is just plain disgusting, no matter what your ideology is.
Ann Coulter, (you may not like her, but damn she is cute) was delivering a speech last October in Arizona when 2 less than articulate liberals tried to pie her and missed. Thus earning the title and subtitle of this article. That was not the first nor the last incident as this has been going on for quite some time and does not appear to be abating.
And indeed in this case, several chivalrous conservatives in the audience, who thought that ladies should be treated like ladies regardless of their political leanings, beat the crap out of the 2 inarticulate cretins. Charges were also filed against the instigators, but later dropped by the Liberal DA of the county. For no reason. It seems that hate crime is only hate crime if it is done against liberals, not conservatives.
Which all goes to show, that in the arena of ideas, the liberals are rapidly becoming bankrupt and are left to throwing their dinner in an attempt to silence those who espouse conservative ideas. This was not always the case, but then when their role models are shrieking about lies and betrayal (for their own stupidity, but that is another blog), and showing complete contempt for anyone who does not bleat their lame lies, what are their followers to infer except the sheeps mantra.
Liberals good, conservatives bad.
And in refusing to engage in an intelligent and articulate debate, they show their followers only hate, and hate breeds violence.
A shame really. And dangerous. Will they stop their idiocy? I doubt it.