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Stupider part 2
Published on April 14, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

It amazes me, or perhaps not, that the residents of California do not start a recall campaign against Barbara Boxer.  She truly is an embarrasment to a state that can ill afford to look like fools to the other 49, and yet she continues to open mouth, insert foot.

The latest idiocy is actually something that should surprise no one.  She is now telling the MSM papers to take up the sword  and follow her Don Quixote in rescuing the fair Dulcinea (Filibusters on Judicial nominees) from the evil lords (wascally wepublicans).

She goes on to threaten that if they newspapers allow this travesty, then they will be silenced as well (oh really).

But in taking this action, she has proved what most of us have known for a long time.  She is stupid.

No, besides that, she is showing everyone that the 'unbiased' press is that in name only, and it is very clear that they are not even trying to hide the fact they are very biased to the liberals of this land.

I know it is just a sign of desperation on her part, but when you have lost the presidency, and congress in each of the last 4 elections, it is not time to get stupid.  Yet she does.

Let her rail away.  For she has put the MSM in an untenable position.  If they now follow her advice, the alternate media will merely point to this lecture of hers and tell the populace "See, we told you so".  If they decide they cannot in order to maintain the illusion of unbiasedness, then tehy defeat not only her purpose, but their own agenda.

I am sure that some liberals will credit Karl Rove with this Machievellian move, but I dont see how he can be credited with such an ingenious plan that has no Republican fingerprints on it.

No, it is really not a devious plan at all.  Just Boxer getting stupider.  Men may be from Mars, and Women from Venus, but Boxer is from Jupiter as she just seems to be getting more stupider.


on Apr 14, 2005
Lemme see here....250 + judges approved, 10 refused. Yeah that's a vast left wing conspiracy!

Ya know Guy, maybe you should do some homework before you start whining how the left is out to get dubya's nominees.

But then again, you once tried to use the STAR magazine as a legitimate source once with me a while back ::
on Apr 14, 2005

Ya know Guy, maybe you should do some homework before you start whining how the left is out to get dubya's nominees.

do you even read the articles, or just assume after reading the title?

If you had bothered to read it, you would see that I am not ranting on how many or who is bing confirmed, and indeed not even 'whining' about whether or not the nuclear option is going to be used.

For some reason, you just have a reading comprehension problem, so let me put it in easier terms.


Is that simple enough for you?

And please show me where I used the Star (whatever the hell that is) as a source.....I would really like to know.  Or was that just a mis-read again?

And for the record, the there have been 205 approved, and 20 filibustered.

on Apr 14, 2005

Just in case you were wondering.  But I guess using reuters as a source is a no no as well.

on Apr 14, 2005
Lemme see here....250 + judges approved, 10 refused. Yeah that's a vast left wing conspiracy!

Ya know Guy, maybe you should do some homework before you start whining how the left is out to get dubya's nominees.

But then again, you once tried to use the STAR magazine as a legitimate source once with me a while back ::

You don't read very well, do you? Maybe, just maybe you should go back to school and start over!
on Apr 14, 2005
Ok my bad! i can admit making a mistake or two on accassion. But the point is you guys yammer about how the vast liberal conspiracy is keeping your god fearing rightie judges off the bench..

What a load.

And miler? I wouldn't be accusing anyone of not having a clue. At least Guy can be rational at times.

Guy it was a Clinton article that someone wrote.(can't remember the name of it, but i'll see if i can find it) back in december. I mentioned that i admired bubba and you went off on the whole "he murders his enemies, and i have proof" thing. You gave me a "list" of "credible" links that you based your article on, and i went down the list and debunked every one of them. Almost every one was a "404 not found", or from Newsmax

One was published in the STAR. You got so mad you said nothing after.
on Apr 14, 2005
Guy it was a Clinton article that someone wrote.(can't remember the name of it, but i'll see if i can find it) back in december. I mentioned that i admired bubba and you went off on the whole "he murders his enemies, and i have proof" thing. You gave me a "list" of "credible" links that you based your article on, and i went down the list and debunked every one of them. Almost every one was a "404 not found", or from Newsmax

One was published in the STAR. You got so mad you said nothing after.

I dont remember that article, altho I have seen the death list. I did one on his 'conquests' of women, and one of the links may have been to star as I was only showing where the stories came from, not that I made them up.

And I did not get mad and stop talking. The thread eventually died as they all do. But I think the last post was mine.
on Apr 14, 2005
But the point is you guys yammer about how the vast liberal conspiracy is keeping your god fearing rightie judges off the bench..

What a load.

And miler? I wouldn't be accusing anyone of not having a clue. At least Guy can be rational at times.

And you say "I" don't have a clue. Let me ask you something oh wise one. How many judical appointments have been con firmed for this year? I can tell you. ONE! Here's a link.

If I need to get a clue, so do you!
on Apr 15, 2005

I figured out where it occurred.

It was Silver_and_jade_tears who penned the article. Unfortunately since she deleted her acct...We can't crack this nut. Sorry about that. (i gotta start archiving my posts on others threads i guess)

In all fairness to you, i'm not sure if you actually knew where it came from. I think it was a "blind link".

It was actually kinda funny in the end, but not at your expense.