Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on April 14, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Recently, 20 spoiled brats, with nothing better to do than to dishonor the men and women fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, staged a 'die in' at Ohio University (not Ohio State).  In this 'die in' they lay down on the ground and pretended to be aborted fetuses - oops, wrong story.  They pretended to be innocent victims of America's nazi armed forces.

Unbeknownst to them (as most are clueless anyway), one of their own students is a Marine serving in Iraq at this very time.  He saw the write up and penned the following letter in response:

It's a shame that I'm here in Iraq with the Marines right now and not back at Ohio University completing my senior year and joining in blissful ignorance with the enlightened, war-seasoned protesters who participated in the recent "die-in" at College Gate. It would appear that all the action is back home, but why don't we make sure? That's right, this is an open invitation for you to cut your hair, take a shower, get in shape and come on over! If Michael Moore can shave and lose enough weight to fit into a pair of camouflage utilities, then he can come too!

Make sure you all say your goodbyes to your loved ones though, because you won't be seeing them for at least the next nine months. You need to get here quick because I don't want you to miss a thing. You missed last month's discovery of a basement full of suicide vests from the former regime (I'm sure Saddam's henchmen just wore them because they were trendy though). You weren't here for the opening of a brand new school we built either. You might also notice women exercising their new freedom of walking to the market unaccompanied by their husbands.

There is a man here, we just call him al-Zarqawi, but we think he'd be delighted to sit down and give you some advice on how you can further disrespect the victims of Sept. 11 and the 1,600 of America's bravest who have laid down their lives for a safer world. Of course he'll still call you "infidel" but since you already agree that there is no real evil in the world, I see no reason for you to be afraid. Besides, didn't you say that radical Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance?

I'm warning you though -it's not going to be all fun and games over here. You might have bad dreams for the next several nights after you zip up the body bag over a friend's disfigured face. I know you think that nothing, even a world free of terror for one's children, is worth dying for, but bear with me here. We're going to live in conditions you've never dreamt about. You should get here soon though, because the temperatures are going to be over 130 degrees very soon and we will be carrying full combat loads (we're still going to work though). When it's all over, I promise you can go back to your coffee houses and preach about social justice and peace while you continue to live outside of reality.

If you decide to decline my offer, then at least you should sleep well tonight knowing that men wearing black facemasks and carrying AK-47s yelling "Allahu Akbar" over here are proud of you and are forever indebted to you for advancing their cause of terror. While you ponder this, I'll get back to the real "die-in" over here. I don't mind.

Now who are the idiots.

on Apr 14, 2005
After reading the title, I still have to guess: YOU?
on Apr 14, 2005

After reading the title, I still have to guess: YOU?

Guess you are still licking your wounds after the drubbing you got.  SO of course with 3 fingers pointed back at yourself, you just named the idiot.

Is that called self expression?  Guess so troll. Slink off and get high. You probably need it from all the stress.

on Apr 14, 2005
I was one of those strongly against the invasion BEFORE it happened, and applauded those who protested the idea, those who spoke out etc... However, once the war was underway, I quickly grew disgusted wtih the tone of the protests, how they switched from being about invading a sovereign nation, to supposed attrocities committed by the US Armed Forces. It was disgusting seeing the "die-ins" at my campus, the fake body bags trying to make some ill-concieved point.

It's one thing to protest against the government regarding our ongoing actions in Iraq. What I can't understand are protests that target the soldiers themselves. Don't assault the cogs in the machine, go after the people running it.

We're in Iraq, us anti-war people lost the battle and there's no point in continuing to scream about it now. Best we can do is support the efforts now so we can get our troops home as soon as possible. That's the best anti-war effort available to us now.
on Apr 14, 2005
since you already agree that there is no real evil in the world, I see no reason for you to be afraid. Besides, didn't you say that radical Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance?

Nice line.
on Apr 14, 2005
Hey Dr Guy, thanks for giving that Marine some space in your blog. I just got back from over there, and there were many times that I wanted to invite all the people who were talking about what we were doing wrong to join me for a day so I could show them what was up. These protesters are just a few among many who talk about a situation they know nothing about, and they could use a real education. Your guest Marine said it better than I could have.
on Apr 14, 2005

We're in Iraq, us anti-war people lost the battle and there's no point in continuing to scream about it now. Best we can do is support the efforts now so we can get our troops home as soon as possible. That's the best anti-war effort available to us now.

You do your cause and party well with that attitude.

Oops!  Forgot you dumped the party.  But your cause is a good one as is your motivation.

on Apr 14, 2005

In this regard, I'm sure they're glad we are at war, whatever would they do with their free time if they couldn't spend it making asses of themselves like this?

You would think that they would work for their cause instead of trying to make it a joke and laughing stock.  But then that would require some coherant thought, of which they do not appear capable of.

on Apr 14, 2005

Your guest Marine said it better than I could have.

Always ready and willing to help the greatest branch of the Armed forces.  I spent 2 years (as a kid - Teenager) at Camp Pendleton.  I grew to highly respect them and their committment to honor and duty.

on Apr 14, 2005

Last time i checked, the war was still on folks. Americans are dying and being kidnapped.

Typical of the right. Claiming victory before crossing the finish line.

These college kids have the right to protest in a peaceful manner. Even if it is a moronic way to do it.
on Apr 14, 2005
Not arguing over their right to protest. They're free to do it as long as it doesn't cause damage or jeopardize safety. My view at least is that they're yelling at the wrong people in the wrong way. To be effective in ending the conflict sooner (I think of it as ongoing until we bring our men and women home) they need to adjust their tactics. Aside from venting anger, what good does it do to lay down on a campus lawn doing your best impersonation of a dead body?
on Apr 14, 2005
I agree with you 100% Zoom. There are more effective ways to protest and still keep it within legal boundaries.

Nobody ever said you had to be smart to be in college.