There is a big stink blowing right now over the nomination of John Bolton to be the next ambassador to the UN. While the democrats are digging up some old lies that will be laid bare in the light of the hearings, the big gotcha that they are trying to hang Bolton on is the fact that he called the UN a corrupt and irrelevant organization that has lost its usefulness.
And in that he is correct, altho that is not the reason the democrats are stating they oppose him.
No, instead the democrats are trying to hang him on intelligence that may or may not be true about Castro have some bad bugs, and for him trying to squelch dissenters in the Intelligence community. Both of these have already been proven false, but as we have seen before, for democrats, it is not the evidence that counts, but the seriousness of the charges.
But if they were ever truthful to themselves or their constitutency, they would announce the real reason they are against Bolton (other than Bush nominated him). And that would be because he will represent Americans and not Kofi Annan in that institution.
For in the democrats warped view of the world, nothing American can be good, unless it comes from abroad. That is a sad commentary on today's democrat party, but it is being proven true on a daily basis.
Kofi Good, America Bad. That is a nice little bleat for the democrat's sheep.