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Their Hero has been adopted!
Published on April 13, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Back during the Lewinsky scandal, a lot of jokes were flying about the Clinton legacy.  One of the best came out after 2000 when someone penned "Clinton: Having sex amid the Bushes".

Ok, so his legacy will be about his pecadillos as that does not appear to be going away even now.  But now comes news out of Bean town, that bastion of the right wing conspiracy, that Clinton, without a father from Birth, now has a family.

And that family is?  The Bushes!  Yep, the Boston papers are saying that Clinton is as thick as thieves with George and Dubya.  Seems he might even campaign for Jeb should he ever decide to run!

But George Sr. and Jr. are kind of unique in modern American Politics.  They are a close family where son truly followed father into the family Business, and regardless of whether you love them or hate them, they are a tight family.  And in that, Americans see hope and draw strength for their own family, and now apparently so does Bill.

WHile that is a nice tale for the kiddies as they go to sleep, I am not myopic enough to think it is really true.  For the 3 of them, Jr, Sr, and Bill, are in a very elite club that only 40 other people can share membership with, and 38 of them are dead.  And most of those who passed really would not understand it as America today is not America of 100 years ago.

That club is made up of members who have had a common job.  The POTUS.  And in that, love them or hate them, no one will deny that there is a tremendous burden that the job exacts.  We watched over the 8 years that Clinton was in the office how his hair whitened almost daily.  It is a job many have sought, but few have won.

Bill Clinton really does not have a lot of friends who understand what he went through.  But now, apparently, he does have 2 men who share his experiences and can relate to him, partisan politics aside.

That is all it is.  Being able to talk to someone who knows what you are talking about.  But perhaps in that, Americans can learn to bury their hate.  Just as our leaders seem to have done.

on Apr 13, 2005
Isn't it interesting to see the kinds of friends we all make, simply through shared experiences. Looking back over the friendships of my life, I can think of a lot of really good friends who I probably wouldn't have had anything to do with, had we not shared pretty intense parts of our lives.

Politics if chalk full of people who are great friends, who would seem to be at each other's throats. Sens. Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch come to mind the quickest. You would have a hard time finding to more opposite characters in the senate, yet they are great friends.
on Apr 13, 2005

Sens. Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch come to mind the quickest.

Isn't that because Orin Hatch does not drink, so Kennedy drinks for both of them?

on Apr 13, 2005

The Bush family backstabbing our Bill is only a matter o time. Then, Bill can retire in Paris among the truly cultured; where we sophisticated leftists indulge in the exquisite tastes of native wine and cheese daily, march in opposition to Bush and america weekly, and bath and brush our teeth monthly.
on Apr 13, 2005
Don't you mean yearly? For petes sake, (pun intended) even the Brits brush once a month, and the French smell far worse.

Why do you think they invented perfume?
on Apr 13, 2005
Clinton, Bush, and Bush Jr. will be three-waying each other in hell when their time comes. When was the last time America had a REAL PRESIDENT who altruistically operated for the best interests of the American People?