Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on April 12, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

It seems that the NY times has signed on to the democrat wing of the Get Tom Delay brigade.

Instead of just spouting their own liberal bias, or just slanting the news towards their liberal friends, now they are soliciting prominent republicans to go against Tom Delay.

Now I can see democrats doing that.  After all, Tom Delay is an effective and lethal republican that has stymied them at every turn.  And indeed, done more to set their agenda back than even Bush (arguably).  But why are they now in bed, clearly and with no self conscious, with the democrats?

Because they always were.  The only difference now is that they are desperate as a MAJORITY of AMERICANS have rejected their elitist snobish condescencing diatribes and are thinking for themselves.  And they feel marginalized.  As well they should be.

There is nothing illegal with what they did.  It is unethical and unprofessional, but those are not crimes that can or should be prosecuted.  But like a madison Ave Advertising firm, all they are now is a shill for their point of view, and while they still 'pretend' to be unbiased, their actions have done more than what any rhetoric of the conservatives could do.  Outed them for what they are.  A Mouthpiece for the Democrat party. Period.

I know many liberals hate Tom Delay, but other than the loony loopy luddite left, none want to see him railroaded for crimes he did not commit.  And indeed, while he has practiced the art of politics in DC to a degree unsees since Bill Clinton, no one has yet come up with a single certifiable charge of any crime.  Allegations?  Sure!  A dime a dozen!

But no proof and indeed not even enough evidence (yet) to indict.  Yet here is a supposed member of the unbiased MSM soliciting damning editorials to further their, and their masters agenda.

Like CBS/Dan Rather, ABC/Peter Jennings and so many of the other MSM, they are showing their true colors out of desperation.  As they become more and more just a foot note on the news that Americans read, they feel impotent, and must lie down with the devil in order to 'get their point across'.

What they dont understand is that we already have seen their point and rejected it.

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