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Be careful of what you wish for
Published on April 12, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

The democrat controlled legislature of Maryland has written a bill so narrow in focus, that only one company would be penalized.  Wal Mart.

I know many people dont like the company and indeed, I dont like shopping there either, but for reasons not due to its size.  But not liking a company and seeking government to punitatively wound it are 2 different things, and not at all related.

I punish Wal-Mart by not shopping there.  While my puny little one man operation is hardly going to bring the Giant to its knees, once my number is legion, it will have an impact and we will be noticed!

But once we allow our government, any government, to single out an entity just because of its sucess, we forfeit our freedoms and soon they will start with other companies, perhaps yours next.  And after all the companies have been marginalized, then comes the people.  For all a company truly is is a collection of people working and living with something in common.

Maryland may get its way, but in so doing, they may regret what they wished for.  For unlike large states like Texas, Florida or California, over 80% of the citizens of Maryland have a choice.  Those choices reside in Va, Pa, Del, DC and WV. 

Wal Mart has already demonstrated that it is not averse to closing a store and moving it, and it would be easy to close enough stores to exempt themsevles from this new and insidious law.  And nothing can stop them.

It will not hurt Wal Mart.  It will hurt the citizens of Maryland that lose their jobs, and of the government due to lost revenues.  And in their fit of petulance and pique, the legislature of Maryland will cause much more harm than any perceived good that they get by "sticking it to" Wal Mart.

When you legislate for punitive and vindicate reasons, you get what you sow.  Maryland is going to get it all right.  And they have only themselves to blame for their short sightedness and stupidity.

on Apr 12, 2005
Sometimes it helps to penalize a very glaring example of a start of something that could become huge problems later.
But you also has a point in not focusing effect of law or draft of legislation to one company, it is not healthy, not to mention legal backlash that will occur in the future.

Peace !!

on Apr 12, 2005

Sometimes it helps to penalize a very glaring example of a start of something that could become huge problems later

This is true, but then if they were trying to do that, the law would not be narrowcast to catch but one company.

And in the end, you cant use what is meant to be a broad tool (laws) to perform microsurgery.