In a recent article, one of the members of JU said he was leaving the Democrat party. He did not say he was joining the Republicans, or even becoming more conservative, just that he was tired of the hate and vitriol that was being spewed by some of the more prominent liberals on the JU site.
And like Clockwork, they pounced, ripping and tearing and flaming any and all in their sights. Not even bother to understand what is written, just lashing out like a wounded animal at any and all who got in their way.
It was telling that the first 3 responses by the compassionate left included these statements:
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way over to the right. Can you take Sen. Byrd with you?
Byrd has more in common with the GOP rank and file than he does the left these days. Most ex-KKK members I've met are righties. Including one on this very site.
Whipsy, you and your neocon buddies, ie drmiler, dragonol, mm, drguy, etc., are some of the worst kind of zealots. Just from the opposite side. So don't think your pontification about zealots passes the straight face test. You're an idiotic, moronic, and dumbass zealot.
The only thing missing was the Nazi club, but I am sure they will get around to that one soon enough.
And what prompted this hate and vitriol? Sure, some of the conservatives were joking and congratulating the writer, and even some liberals were saying they was glad he was not going to the 'dark side', but would remain left of center (just not over the edge left). Were the posters roasting Kennedy, Reid, Pelosi, or any JU blogger? I dont seem to recall any being mentioned. Maybe they were in posts that were deleted by the writers?
No, they just did not exist. For the only instigation of the flames above were in the fact that someone said "I dont agree with you", and did so in a non inflamatory way.
But like a child whose sole word is "mine", the liberals on the loony fringe cannot fathom or comprehend someone saying "no, it is mine", and so they lash out with mindless fury and hatred.
The 2000 election was 4 1/2 years ago. The 2004 election is almost 6 months old. You would hope that their warped twisted hate of that which they cannot control or understand would have given way to something constructive by now. But there does not appear to be any indication that they want to or will.
Indeed, as The Right Dish ( ) pointed out just this morning, they are making a cottage industry of their hate, and (shock! Egads! Say it cant be so!) making a profit (those greedy capitalist!) at it.
And it is sad. For a mind is a terrible thing to waste, and there are a lot of wasting minds out there these days.