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The Ayes have it, the Ghouls Lose
Published on April 4, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

As I stated in an article last week:

The American public was woefully ill informed about the Terri Schiavo case, and had they all of the relevant and correct information, then the results of the poll would be radically different.  Today John Zogby came out with a poll that proved me right.

In the poll, Zogby found that when using the term 'incapacitated', the public supported the feeding of Terri by a 43-30 plurality.  In addition, the poll asked the following question:

"If a disabled person is not terminally ill, not in a coma, and not being kept alive on life support, and they have no written directive, should or should they not be denied food and water,"

By a whopping 79-9% landslide, the public said the person should not be denied food and water!

Just as telling, when asked:

"When there is conflicting evidence on whether or not a patient would want to be on a feeding tube, should elected officials order that a feeding tube be removed or should they order that it remain in place,"

A large plurality of 42-18% agreed with congresses decision!

Finally, when informed of Michael Schiavo's new girl friend and kids, a majority 56-37% believe that the decision on life support should no longer be his!

America, you were lied to by the extreme prejudice and bigotry of the mainstream media once again!  And many of you bought the lies, hook, foodline and sinker!

I am glad that at least one pollster (Zogby is a liberal Dabe) has the guts and integrity to honestly report the views of America instead of advancing their agenda through lies and deceit.

It also restores my faith in the the American People.  Sure they said to pull the tube, when loaded questions and lies were used to poll them.

And we are to believe the MSM on ANYTHING ANYLONGER?

on Apr 05, 2005

Reply By: The Zonker(Anonymous User)Posted: Monday, April 04, 2005

Sorry, that is so far off topic, I had to delete it.