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Preparing for an Urn Party
Published on March 31, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

The case of Terri Schiavo had many sides, and like politics, sometimes they made strange bedfellows.  But the segment of the pro death Michael Schiavo side have a lot to answer for.  And none will answer for it.

It is one thing to wish your former wife dead, as Michael Schiavo did (and yes, I say Former as he already screwed some bimbo and had children by the witch).  It is another to work for her death activily as Michael Schiavo did.

But to deny those who truly loved her a last visit with her?  That is so far beneath contempt that it defies human understanding and compassion.  Yes, I am a Catholic, and Yes I am supposed to forgive my fellow man.

IN this case, I might make an exception. 

And of the ones that said it was his right?  Sure it was his right.  Just like it was Hitler's right to try to exterminate the jews.  Just like it was Stalin's right to purge 20 million people. Just like it was Pol Pot's right to exterminate a quarter of his people.

Just like it was the right of colonial america to own and kill people because they were slaves.

A right is not always right. But yea you Michael lovers, it was his right.  Now sleep with yourself.  No self respecting person wants to be around you right now.  And that is our right.

Gutter trash.

on Mar 31, 2005
'Doc', cant say I disagree with one word you said...straight, to the point, and I hope those who supported that bastard can look in the mirror someday...with regret for supporting his position...but somehow I doubt it....
on Mar 31, 2005
This has gone from a nasty family matter to a statement that we in the US starve the handicapped to death. This will no doubt give us all the touchy-feely PR that the Liberals want us to have in the Muslim world and elsewhere.

The Chinese are probably nodding in agreement, though. Shame on us.
on Mar 31, 2005
Michaels supporters are alive and well and posting despicable, cruel crap on JU under the names of Reiki-House and spinkiller.

They will be forever blacklisted from my blog.

I already have Reiki House BLed. I would not even read his trashy stuff. Spinkiller wrote his before her death, so I will allow him to be a coward and go claim his new found parking place.
on Mar 31, 2005
I already have Reiki House BLed.

I have not read a single reasonable word from him. Ever. He is blaming the Schindlers of all people!