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Looks like the left is being Hijacked
Published on March 29, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

While the exact murders of Rafik Hariri have yet to be determined, several things about the execution are abundantly clear.

1: Syria did nothing to prevent it, and for that they were skewered both here and abraod.

2: The knee jerk Arab reaction of always blaming Israel did not work this time.  Indeed no one believed that Israel had anything to do with it.

Hariri died a martyr and like most martyrs, his death has had a positive effect of restoring sovereignity to Lebanon.

Yet some out there see black helicopters and a US/Israel conspiracy.  We had him killed so we could build an airbase there (why?  We have Israel a much friendlier and stable country)!

And what Arab entity is pushing this conspiracy?  Al Jazeera?  Iran? Syria?

Nope.  A loony loopy luddite leftist right here in the USA namec Wayne Madsen.  The Same Wayne Madsen that was calling the recall election in California in 03 a 'fascist' conspiracy, and who calls everyone right of Mao Tse Dung a 'fascist' (he likes that term apparently).

Well, for those on the rational left, it is nut jobs like tthis that are defining your party to that huge swing vote in the center.  If you want to be painted with the same Brush as Wayne Madsen, then just sit quietly while he makes a fool of himself and democrats.

The center has not moved, nut jobs like Madsen have just moved farther left so that even now they are just jokes to be laughed at and scorned. is taking control of the soul of the Democrat party, and the rest of the country is laughing at the morons.

on Mar 29, 2005
Well it is nice to see Mr. Madsen witing great works of fiction.... but I'm bit shocked he didnt mention Hezbullah's 'belief' that the CIA killed Hariri. What is a good conspiracy theory without the evil CIA? One can blame those who are really the CIA will do.
on Mar 29, 2005

Well it is nice to see Mr. Madsen witing great works of fiction.... but I'm bit shocked he didnt mention Hezbullah's 'belief' that the CIA killed Hariri. What is a good conspiracy theory without the evil CIA? One can blame those who are really the CIA will do.

It is another classic example where the center has not moved, just the whacked out of the left.  And just got whackier.