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The day America died
Published on March 26, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

It has been 8 days of torture for an innocent woman, whose only crime is that she married a total jerk.  Usually the jerk would be in jail (Hello Scott Peterson) and the woman would be either dead or living elsewhere.

Instead, America has decided to free the perp and torture the woman.  It is now too late and the deed is done.  I am glad I am not a lawyer.  Or a Judge.  After this, I would not be able to sleep with myself.

For all the ghouls out there, congratulations.  You won your prize.  But dont pontificate on how you are so noble or caring for the less fortunate.  You just killed them, along with Terry.

Today, I am not proud to be an American.

on Mar 26, 2005
Her will was done. Get over it!
on Mar 26, 2005

Her will was done. Get over it!

Oh, now you are a medium?  She told you?  She told you she wanted to be tortured like a trapped animal?

Gee, excuse me if I dont beleive your Bullshit! Troll!

on Mar 26, 2005
You are obviously so concerned and informed that you can't even spell her name correctly.
on Mar 26, 2005

Hmm, its 5:02 PM Eastern Time, and she's still alive.

It's bad enough we are starving her to death. Let's not bury her alive too.

It has also been over a week and she was never in the best of health.  She is probably in a coma and the end is just a matter of suffering for her, and joy for Michael Schiavo.

It is appropriate (I know you are not christian) that it happens this weekend.  For my saviour (no I am not trying to convert) died due to the hate and INDIFFERENCE 2000 years ago. History repeats itself.

on Mar 26, 2005

You are obviously so concerned and informed that you can't even spell her name correctly.

You obviously have not been following it closely enough to know it can be spelled either way. Ass Hole.

on Mar 26, 2005

Reply By: little_whipPosted: Saturday, March 26, 2005
Arggh, forgive me if this is a double post, JU is acting screwy. (what else is new)

Dr G, I know this is a heartbreaking issue for you, but it's 5:05 PM and Terri is still alive. Where there is life, there is hope.

It's bad enough we are trying to starve her to death, let's not bury her alive too.


LW, This has been eating at me for the last week and as each door is closed, the tomb gets darker.  I was going to write this upon death, but Iknow there is a point of no return, and I think (Note for you hypocrite morons - I Dont KNOW) it has been reached.  And I am saddened that the culture of death, (that does not mean Liberals for the jerks who read it that way) are feasting on her remains even as this is posted.

yes, I am very bitter.  Yes I think the ass holes are ghouls.  And no, there is no appology for calling YOU (the death brigade, not you LW) an asshole if the shoe fits.  You are as guilty as the Roman soldiers 2000 years ago. And even Myrr cant deny history.  It happened you ghouls!

I am done.

on Mar 26, 2005
"Ass Hole"
A brilliant piece of writing, the subtle put down is so effective but difficult to achieve and yet here you do so masterfully.
on Mar 26, 2005

"Ass Hole"
A brilliant piece of writing, the subtle put down is so effective but difficult to achieve and yet here you do so masterfully.

Anon users are trolls.  Glad you understand that your opinion, behind your anonimity, is worth the contents of your poop chute.

on Mar 26, 2005

Reply By: HRH(Anonymous User)
Reply By: HRH(Anonymous User)
Reply By: RRH(Anonymous User)

By the way, on spelling?  At least I can spell my name and it is longer than 3 letters.  Apparently you are not capable of doing that much.


on Mar 26, 2005
So your parents christened you Dr Guy? Yes it's longer than HRH, but not much.
So much death....the case of Terri Schiavo is indeed tragic but then so are all the civilian deaths in Iraq....but the powers that be are not even trying to count those 10,000? 100,000? we will never know as there (deliberately) was no attempt to count them. I have not seen your articles on those.
on Mar 26, 2005

So your parents christened you Dr Guy? Yes it's longer than HRH, but not much.
So much death....the case of Terri Schiavo is indeed tragic but then so are all the civilian deaths in Iraq....but the powers that be are not even trying to count those 10,000? 100,000? we will never know as there (deliberately) was no attempt to count them. I have not seen your articles on those.

Take your fucking political diatribe to another blog!  You worthless piece of shit!  You are like the ghouls!  You try to politicize what is not political!  Why dont you use that diatribe at your mothers funeral you diip shit!

be gone!  Any more insane posts on your part are trash.

on Mar 26, 2005

Don't take the bait, my friend.

Sorry, I did bite.  I will bite through next time.  Thanks.  And I know you know.  And I appreciate your being here.

on Mar 26, 2005

It might surprise you to know that while I don't consider myself a Christian, I do believe in Christ and His divinity. I believe in a lot of other things too. I do want you to know, though, that you will never, ever, offend me by expressing your faith as you see fit, regardless of the form that expression takes.

During this vigil, on my holy weekend, that means a lot to me.  Thank you.  peace to you great lady.  Simon got a real winner! 

on Mar 27, 2005

I shouted out..."Don't cry, remember....there's a SEQUEL!"

That cheered 'em right up. Hope you find some cheer for yourself today.

Thanks!  I got a laugh out of that. When I saw it both times (once with my wife and then with my sons), the same thing happened.  (Except we did not have any insightful people yelling there was a sequel!)