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The Depth to those wishing depth have sunk
Published on March 25, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

IN Florida, it is against the law to allow a lab rat to starve to death.

In Florida, a man has been charged with 120 felony accounts of cruelty to animals for allowing 120 cows to starve.

Fla. Rancher Charged With Starving 120 Cows

POSTED: 3:45 am EST March 19, 2005

IMMOKALEE, Fla. -- A fourth-generation rancher who said he ran out of money to buy feed for his livestock has been charged with 120 felony counts of animal cruelty, authorities say.

But in all their infinite wisdom and power, you can starve anyone you want to, to death.  Just make sure they cannot speak for themselves.

Wow, we are so advanced as a society.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 25, 2005
I would rather we have an assisted suicide option too. I just don't see it happening in the land of the religious right.

on Mar 25, 2005

I would rather we have an assisted suicide option too. I just don't see it happening in the land of the religious right.

That is a cop out.  If half the energy was spent on a law like what you suggest as has been spent on trying to starve this innocent woman to death, it would have happened a long time ago.

Florida is not the land of the religious right. it is a conservative state.  You erroneously assume facts not in evidence or even correct, and that is your achilees heel.

on Mar 25, 2005
"Suicide" entails the person wanting to die. We have no proof in this case that that would EVER be allowed in an "assisted suicide" case.

That's the glaring hypocrisy of these idiot courts. Someone could go to a Florida court right now, and BEG, FOR THEMSELVES to have a lethal drug administered because of a terminal illness and the suffering therefrom.

What would the courts do? REFUSE. With the person who wanted to die sitting there begging. In this case, though, they take a hearsay statement from someone who has abandoned her. *boggle*
on Mar 25, 2005
What would the courts do? REFUSE. With the person who wanted to die sitting there begging. In this case, though, they take a hearsay statement from someone who has abandoned her. *boggle*

It Boggles my mind as well.
on Mar 25, 2005
ah yes fairplay among the liberal left, save a rat starve a human....
on Mar 25, 2005
That is a cop out. If half the energy was spent on a law like what you suggest as has been spent on trying to starve this innocent woman to death, it would have happened a long time ago.

I don't see why you brand it a cop out. If I have decided that I would rather die then live, why is it anyone else's business what I do? If I've told others that I would rather die then live in a vegetative state, why not honor that?

Florida is not the land of the religious right. it is a conservative state. You erroneously assume facts not in evidence or even correct, and that is your achilees heel

Conservatism and religious right do go hand in hand. The RR and the republican party have been bedpartners for years, ESPECIALLY down in Florida. How do you think GWB managed to win down there against Gore? The RR. How do you you think his brother managed to become Governor? The RR.

Are you suggesting that the Conservative movement is NOT connected to the RR? You conveniently ignore reality. THAT is an erroneous supposition on your part, and truly YOUR archilles heel.
on Mar 25, 2005

I don't see why you brand it a cop out. If I have decided that I would rather die then live, why is it anyone else's business what I do? If I've told others that I would rather die then live in a vegetative state, why not honor that?

Who is talking about you?  Show me the money!  Are you Terry Schiavo?

And besides, it if off topic.  SHow me where they are treating her better than a rat.

on Mar 25, 2005

I don't see why you brand it a cop out. If I have decided that I would rather die then live, why is it anyone else's business what I do? If I've told others that I would rather die then live in a vegetative state, why not honor that?

Show me the money!  You cant?  let me see the signed document  that says she wanted to be starved to death.

You Cant?  Show me where you can starve an animal (pig, rat or cow) to death and not be charged with a felony.

You cant?

No, you are just practicing post partum abortion and even worse on a sentient being.  The gotcha is one day it will be you and you will have no say.

You cant.

on Mar 25, 2005

Conservatism and religious right do go hand in hand.

Only for the stupid. Why do you think the liberals have lost the lat elections?  becuase they just dont understand that stupid simple fact.  neither do you,

on Mar 25, 2005

Are you suggesting that the Conservative movement is NOT connected to the RR? You conveniently ignore reality. THAT is an erroneous supposition on your part, and truly YOUR archilles heel.

No, I accept reality.  You deny it.  Want to bet on it?

Ok, who won in 04?  Who won in 02?  Who won in 94, 96, 98 and 00?

conservatives, not your misbeguided wrong dolts.

IN a nut shell, you lost and you still dont understand. 

let me splain Lucy.

You are stupid, ignorant and irrelevant.


on Mar 25, 2005

ah yes fairplay among the liberal left, save a rat starve a human....

Damn MM!  You are wise!  That gets an insightful!  Notice the other that stil does not get it?

{shaking head}

on Mar 26, 2005
The animals you are speaking about are capable of feeling fear and experiencing pain.
on Mar 26, 2005
In the immortal words of the wife killer, Michael Schiavo, "Terri will not be starved to death, her nutrition and hydration will just be taken away."

So, the rats and cattle were acutally being starved to death, while Miss Terri is merely being deprived nutrition and see the difference, right? ;~D
on Mar 26, 2005
I would rather we have an assisted suicide option too. I just don't see it happening in the land of the religious right.

Isn't it funny that assisted suicides don't necessarily require the consent of the person being killed these days?
on Mar 26, 2005

The animals you are speaking about are capable of feeling fear and experiencing pain.

So is Terry Schiavo.  Get your facts straight.

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