By Now most of us are familiar with the tale of Brian Nichols, and how he managed to avoid instant death through the calm and reasoned actions of one Ashley Smith.
And for that, she is widely regarded as a heroine. Indeed, how many of us would have had the foresight and self assurance to calmly and peacefully defuse an explosive situation?
And how did she manage to do this? Through her faith. And in that is the rub. For Jill Porter, of the Philladelphia dumb porters comes not to praise Ashley Smith, but to bury her. For she dared bring religion into the story!
Excuse me Ms. Porter? Have you ever been in that situation? Do you think you could have been that heroic?
Dont you understand that Ashley Smith's heroism, as she herself stated, stems from that very belief that you now harp on her for? Ms. Porter, you are not only ignorant and a Bigot, you are stupid and blinded by your own bigotry! You would have Ashley Smith become another statistic of Brian Nichols just to salve your own warped conscious?
You are a sad pathetic creature, who I hope can hide in your own prejudiced cocoon for the rest of yoru life, so you dont have to face any real threats. And so you can go on spouting your ignorance so that the rest of can see your bigotry and hatred for what it is.