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Hatred does lead to clouding vision
Published on March 22, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

By Now most of us are familiar with the tale of Brian Nichols, and how he managed to avoid instant death through the calm and reasoned actions of one Ashley Smith.

And for that, she is widely regarded as a heroine.  Indeed, how many of us would have had the foresight and self assurance to calmly and peacefully defuse an explosive situation?

And how did she manage to do this?  Through her faith.  And in that is the rub.  For Jill Porter, of the Philladelphia dumb porters comes not to praise Ashley Smith, but to bury her.  For she dared bring religion into the story!

Excuse me Ms. Porter?  Have you ever been in that situation?  Do you think you could have been that heroic?

Dont you understand that Ashley Smith's heroism, as she herself stated, stems from that very belief that you now harp on her for?  Ms. Porter, you are not only ignorant and a Bigot, you are stupid and blinded by your own bigotry!  You would have Ashley Smith become another statistic of Brian Nichols just to salve your own warped conscious?

You are a sad pathetic creature, who I hope can hide in your own prejudiced cocoon for the rest of yoru life, so you dont have to face any real threats.  And so you can go on spouting your ignorance so that the rest of can see your bigotry and hatred for what it is.

on Mar 23, 2005

Thanks LW.  I hate copying articles verbatim, but I will make exceptions where the rag requires more than an email address for registration.

Actually, that is part of a chain of newspapers (including the SACBEE) as one registration gets you into all of them.

on Mar 23, 2005
Thanks for the article Dr. Guy, and LW for the C&P with commentary!

This kind of reminds me of the judges who disallow any use of religious arguments by a defendant. By definition, doesn't disallowing the truth only leave the defense with lies to work with?

If this so-called "reporter" is so quick to disqualify the facts in this story, how many times has she ignored facts in passed stories, just because she didn't feel "comfortable" reporting them!!


If the name of Jesus Christ makes you feel uncomfortable but the name of Satan doesn't, doesn't that say more about you, than Jesus or Satan?? ;~D
on Mar 23, 2005

I'm not prejudiced, I boogie with all sorts of Deities.

Satan is not a deity.  He is a demi deity, and you would never lower your standards for a demi!

on Mar 23, 2005

The next thing you know they'll start denegrating the mission of the Boy Scouts........( Oh yeah, that's right, they've been after them too....)

I tried reading "the purpose driven life", a little too Baptist for my Presbyterian soul ( all that guilt driven hell fire and brimstone...) but it is an inspirational text none the less, and one could do far worse than attempting to model ones life around the examples the book offers.

The whole referenced article appears to me to be nothing more than atheistic "sour grapes".
on Mar 23, 2005
The whole referenced article appears to me to be nothing more than atheistic "sour grapes".

I think it is more than that. It is clearly someone who just looked into the face of God (Jill Porter) and found herself wanting, and is trying to drag everyone else down to her miserable level.
on Mar 23, 2005
My personal assessment is that the book is bunk and part of the "pop spirituality" trend, but that opinion isn't relevant to Ms. Smith, who DID act heroically, and who DID use the book as a springboard to those same heroic actions. She doesn't deserve to be run down for her faith.
on Mar 23, 2005

My personal assessment is that the book is bunk and part of the "pop spirituality" trend, but that opinion isn't relevant to Ms. Smith, who DID act heroically, and who DID use the book as a springboard to those same heroic actions. She doesn't deserve to be run down for her faith.

Exactly!  If she said that Buddha was her guide, who cares?  It is her Spirituality, and her faith that was her guide, so who are we to denigrate it?

No, just some small minded religious bigots that cant stand the fact that perhaps there is something to faith above preaching.