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How to shoot your foot without really thinking
Published on March 17, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

First we had the story from the AFL-CIO that said they could not use money for collective bargaining, because it was earmarked for a Liberal Politician near you.

Now we have the UAW of Detroit deciding that Marine Reservist could no longer use their parking lot for their weekend duty.

The Crime?  Anyone sporting a Bush sticker, or driving a foreign made care was considered personna non grata.

So the marines secured alternative parking spaces, and rebuffed the UAW's pretend olive branch.  ON top of that, several of them, who owned American made cars, said their next purchase would not be Union Made.

SO instead of making a statement, idiotic as it was, the UAW basically has egg on its face and lost some of its customers.

But what is even more stupid is how is the UAW going to determine what is American made or not?  Half the cars made by the big 3 are not made in america, and many of the foreign labeled cars that are sold in America are!  You can determine the origin of a Vehicle by tracing the VIN, but who has the time or manpower to do that?

Why the UAW apparently of course!  They dont need no stinking collective bargaining money!  No, they would rather waste their money on loony liberals and pissing off Marines that are defending their right to be stupid.

The time when the Unions were a force for good has long since passed, and clowns like Ron Gettelfinger do more harm for their members than any perceived good.

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