Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Some Cultures more equal than others
Published on March 2, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Now dont get me wrong.  I love dogs and cats, and I would never consider eating them for any reason short of imminent death.  But I also know that some cultures do enjoy a 'hot dog' (literally) now and then, and it is common knowledge that cats are on the menu in several asian countries.

That being said, I think that passing a law outlawing said epicurean dishes is stupid and it does infringe on some cultures.  After all, if we are to go whole hog (no pun intended), we should also ban pigs as they are pets all over this country!  And Cows!  No more Big Macs as they are sacred to Hindus!

The simple fact of the matter is that eating fido or feline is not immoral, or evil.  It is simply a way of life to some.  And if you dont like it, dont sell your pet to one who would eat it! (I once had White rats as pets and refused to sell them to a guy who was going to use them as food for his pet rattlers).  And dont worry about them eating your pet as stealing is still against the law.  But people, is it all you have to do is to make life difficult for people you dont like or agree with?

The really sad part of this is that California, Delaware, Georgia, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey and New York already have laws like this on the books, Hawaii is just following suit.

And while Mr. Wakai makes the arguement they are intelligent, to a degree (and I agree), it is alos known that Pigs are the most intelligent mammal next to man on dry land (Dolphins are said to be smarter).

When the legislative clowns run out of ways to create new laws to restrict our rights, they get creative and kooky and try to tell us how to handle our pets.  In all honesty, Hawaii is not the looniest.  That title goes to the loon capital of the US, California where they have some laws that prohibit disciplining pets already on the books.

"Bad Dog"?  Go to jail.  "Tasty Dog", go to Jail.  No wonder there are so many people in prison in this country.

on Mar 02, 2005
Pigs are the most intelligent mammal next to man on dry land ........... gotta disagree, chimps are. But i get your point.

mmmmmmmmmmm cats................
on Mar 02, 2005

Pigs are the most intelligent mammal next to man on dry land ........... gotta disagree, chimps are. But i get your point.

I was just going with what the scientist tell me.  Personally, I dont talk to my bacon before eating it.