Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Gets Dirtier and Dirtier
Published on March 2, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Far from subsiding into the backwaters of oblivion like most UN-o-philes would love, the Oil for Food Scandal keeps getting ranker and ranker.  NOw the number 2 man (woman) under Kofi Annan has been implicated and is going to go down.

Who is this mysterious interloper? Louise Frechette.  A French Canadian!  2 birds just fell with that oil slick.  Yes, we knew of France's complicity, and while Madame Frechette is not French, now we see the levels in Canada this scandal is reaching and why perhaps (who knows?) Canada fought so hard to stop the Iraq Invasion.

That it has already tarred and feathered so many of Annan's closest confidants is too much like the duck to deny the quack. The man is either as dirty as they come, or as stupid as the day is long.  Either way, he is a very sad testament to the UN, or perhaps he is the perfect testament to an inept, incompetant, immoral outfit that has lost all respect throughout the world in everything except mouthing platitudes.

No one fears UN sanction.  No one fears UN Actions. No one fears their pontificating and preening.  Oh, many countries like Jacques Chiracs, French Bandits do pay them lip service, but that is all.

If the UN has any hope of being a recognized force for good in the world, they should get rid of the tin plated dictators that have so populated the heiracrchy of the organization of late, and do a clean sweep of the corruption that is rampant throughout the organization. 

The UN serves but one purpose.  To give 3rd world crackpots and dictators a forum to bitch about the industrialized world while robbing their citizens blind and diverting atttention from their own atrocities.

Will the UN clean their house?  Will Pigs fly?


on Mar 02, 2005
Will Pigs fly?

OMG... How could you even ask such a question. The Bible clearly states that animals unfit for food consumption will NEVER fly. Shame on you for not knowing that!
on Mar 02, 2005

OMG... How could you even ask such a question. The Bible clearly states that animals unfit for food consumption will NEVER fly. Shame on you for not knowing that!

Sorry Mano, I never studied aeronautics.

on Mar 02, 2005
Sorry Mano

That alone gets you a cookie
on Mar 02, 2005
The UN has so many serious flaws, aside from being akin to a grand jury (they can make indictments, but lack enforcement power) that its almost laughable....if the UN was just a private owned company, the resulting flack from scandal after scandal would have seen a shake up in the organization, federal oversight, and serious accounting of their books....and thats the problem.....people may be shocked at the oil for food scandal but fail to realise that while employees of that useless organization may be required to fill out financial disclosure forms (like in the US for members of the gov) they are not required to swear under oath (unlike in the US), the records are not publicly viewable(where Annan is the only one with access, in the US all one needs is a click of a mouse...they are listed online)...yet people are still amazed when this sort of news breaks out....go the seems news is breaking out of possible rapes by UN Peacekeepers from other UN led missions around the world....I'd be amazed if it wasnt true...