Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Or how to argue using the very facts that condemn you
Published on February 16, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Moderate started it all.  He has a knack of doing it.  I followed up with how Blogdom is killing the mainstream media by just exposing the truth.  Dabe then went off and tried to debunk us, and then some others piled on.

yet, in the debunking of the original 2 articles, what was quoted to debunk it? Well, a Liberal University professor that is left of Mao, a site that only knows how to spell fair and knows that it comes before Liberal as in what they are, and SHOCK!  The actual association of Liberal Media Editors!

But was there any objective source used?  Was there any examples used?  Like how the Mainstream media investigated the claims of the Swiftees?  Or how they outed Kerry on the Paris meeting with North Vietnamese?  Or like how they did an expose on the many lies in Farenheit 911?


Just using slight of hand and their own validation to try to prove something wrong that cant be due to the hard evidence to the contrary.

But it was an amusing exercise in sophistry.

And they wonder why their message is not getting out?  Hello!  It is!  And it is being rejected!

Wake up, or just live in your own myopia. Argue your ideology.  You cant deny the facts if you want to appear to be rational.

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