It seems that the mainstream media is bleating again, bewailing the fact that the blogdom of the Internet has made low another of the mighty elite in mainstream media.
This time ti was Eason Jourdan, formerly of CNN who alleged that the US Military was targeting Journalist.
NOw this is ironic on several levels. First off, it clearly was an example of a comment Draginol made on another blog about the left, instead of arguing facts, uses comeback lines that add nothing to the discussion at hand. Score one for Drag for insighfulness.
Second, it is a clear example of the power of the internet and blogs, especially when taken in tandem with the memogate at CBS, over the mainstream 'ignore the man behind the scenes' media. Clearly they no longer have the power to lie and then hide their lies as they once did. And shoddy journalism is no longer swept into a backroom, but now aired almost immediately on the internet.
This is a new era, and the demise of the liberal elite in media, while not imminent, is now in the cards. They can avoid it of course. By doing what most rational sane and logical people do. Learning from their mistakes. But the problem with the liberal elite is that they are so egotistical, they cannot even fathom they make mistakes, much less admit them to the unwashed masses.
I will not mourn the passing as they have way outlived their usefulness.