In a case just decided upon by a jury, a boy of 12 years was found guilty of murdering his grandparents as they slept. He was given a 30 year sentence, the minimum for the crime.
There is nothing really new there that would make this a case to be discussed. It is unfortunate that these incidences occur with all too regularity.
What sets this case apart is the defense attorney tried to gte himoff with a NGI due to the drug Zoloft, an Anti-depressant.
What is even more outrageous is the attorney called the drug 'a mind altering' drug. Well close the barn door and milk the cow! No shit sherlock! Of course it is mind altering! it is an A-N-T-I-D-E-P-R-E-S-S-A-N-T.
I dont think I am alone, but when I am depressed, I am not talking about a dent in my butt! It means that my attitude is negative. My Mind, in other words.
If we are going to have these quack ambulance chasers slamming every mood altering drug as mind altering and blaming them for every crime under the sun, then 2 things will happen.
1 is that he drug companies will go out of business due to the other ambulance chasing shysters suing them out of it. The Second is no one will be allowed to take any mood altering drug since it could potentially lead to death and destruction.
And many good people will suffer. NOt the shysters. Not the drug companies, they just wont make any of the drugs. But you mother, brothere, sister and best friend will. For instead of being able to lead a normal productive life with a little help, they will have to suffer their dementia as there is no solution for their situation.
Before these shysters convince another jury of their idiocy, I would hope that most people look beyond the shallowness of the amoral lawyers and realize the natural end point of blaming everything on anything but personal responsibility will lead to the end of a sane and rational society. More than Osama bin Laden, Lawyers are destroying America, one shyster case at a time.