Recently, the President of harvard University was castigated, ostracized, blasted and called every demeaning name in the book. Were the perpertartors of this some right wing nut jobs offended by the extreme liberalism in the halls of higher learning?
Was he making offensive and bigotted statements demeaning a segment of the population?
Was he criticizing some one or some group, rightly or wrongly?
His crime? To dare mention a fact of life. That men and women's brains are different. He was not saying one was superior or inferior, just that they view the world, and hence process information differently.
Lo and Behold, now comes a study that shows just that. Men and Women's brains are different. According to the study, men compartmentalize more, and hence go from point a to point b quicker than women (mechanical sense). Women look at the big picture, gathering all pertinent data before making decisions. Thus they are the more caring and nurturing ones, and can 'see both sides of the arguement' much easier than men.
Is one better than the other? I dont think so. Whether you believe in a god or just evolution, the development of the 2 genders in such a different way compliments each other to make the race as a whole, the better for it.
But in their intolerance, many women, and NOW itself condemed a man unjustly for saying what to even a layman is observable. So insecure in their own gender that they must attack science advancement much like the Church attacked Galileo during the middle ages. It is insecurity in your self and your beliefs that causes bigotry, hatred and intolerance. And this was demonstrated quite clearly recently by these small minded bitter and insecure people.
Too bad they teach our students in higher ed.