Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Any wonder they are called Whackos?
Published on January 12, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Well, it was bound to happen.  Some Enviromental Whackos are now proclaiming what a good thing the Tsunami was!

Yes people, Mother nature has reclaimed its own coasts to the tune of 200,000+ dead and dying!  But that is a good thing!  Just read what Greg Ferrando has to say:

[<B>"This whole area was littered with commercialism," said the 43-year-old from Maui, Hawaii. "There were hundreds of beach chairs out here. I prefer the sand." </B>

Ah, isnt that so sweet!  Thousands died so he can feel the sand underneath his feet!  What a humanitarian!  What a Guy!

Making the loony loopy luddites of the left look like class a fools and a$$e$ is not even hard any more.  Like Shooting dead fish in a barrell!

For all the intelligent liberals (or in Australia, socialists I guess), it would behoove you to shut these people up, or confine them to a camp for the permanently disabled.  They are branding all of you as a bunch of kooks.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 14, 2005
.........You must not be a US citizen. Enviromental whackos hate conservatives even when they support the whacko agenda. So whether this guy is mongolian or Tibetan or what, he is a Lefty in the US. I will ignore your obvious ignorance this time.......

I really wonder how intelligent, (and at this stage I am making an assumption here, as I do not personally know Dr Guy, however gettting back on track), can make such statements, firstly I refer to Dr Guy, why do Americans believe all who care about the enviorment are of the left, even though I am, I know that these days most people who care about our planet and the legacy we will pass to future generations, are not just from the left, I would say that those that don't care, should be the first against the wall when the revolution comes", quoting the late Douglas Adams here, but you do have a very closeted view of the world, and express the same inability as those you critise to think outside the square. Havin said this, it never ceases to amaze me who some people could be so insensitive to the plight of others less fortunate. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't the beaches of Maui also littered with tourists and the chair etc that they bring with them. Is it more ok for the more the developed countries than the rest to promote tourism, and destroy important habitates for the sake pf a swim and a few tourist dollars, than it is for the rest. I would say that the commens made by this preson don't even deserve the attention they have recieved so far, and should have been ignored by the source/s that first ran this story. This person is a giant Prick, not an enviromentalist or any other ÏST", for to care for the enviroment we do so because we care about all we share this planet with, PRICK.
on Jan 14, 2005
Its funny you know when you read blogs, then the replys, why, I hear you scream from accross the Pacafic ? Well because a majority of replys again focused on thinghs which had not relation to the blog, like the same old argument I see every time Left 'V' Right and who can spell the best, whether I agree with Dr Guy on most subjects or not is not important, what is the point that I though he was making about the insensitivity of these people. Having said this I am a strong enviromentalist and a lefty through and through, and I can tell you he does not express the views of myself or many others, if not all right thinking people, Dr Guy forget the politics and name calling, and stick to your theme, that is at least what I assumed your theme was, that is here is a guy sitting on an ISland in the pacafic, pouring scorne on the poeple for what they have done to their countries in the name of tourism, while ignoring the fact that the same has been done on his little peice of land. I would also like to add that when it comes to tidal waves, whether triggered by Earthquake or Volcanic activity, is higher in the pacafic than in any other area, should we awaite eagerly a tsunami, so we can clean up Hawaii, the US, Canada, Central and South America, all the other Pacific ISlands the rest of Indonesia, New Guniea, Australia and New Zealand, I hope I got you all, again I say this guy is quite possibly the most insensitive person I have the displeasure of having to acknowledge exists. Maybe just a small personal wave for him, next time he hits the beach. Just a final thought, if a Tsunami were to hit any beach would the result not be the same, a big mess, from my own personal experiences most of these beaches are far less affected by tourism tha in most of the countries I mentioned above, so he is not only an insensitive prick, he has know idea about what he is talking about. Now I have this off my chest I can now have breakfast, goodday to you all., and please can we give the politics a rest or at least raise the level of devate, it's getting a bit boring, you guys, it seems no matter what is in the blog, the replies always seem to degenerate to the same argument, Right is roght an so is left and if your not the same as me you're a bastard., I don't mean that of course, but I have noticed a string decline in the level of quality in debate, to a point where we have reached the level of bar room dribble. Now my breakfast is cold, ÖH"thats right it was cornflaks. Good day to you all, or good noight.
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