Well, it has finally come to the point, that having exhausted all streams of irrational thought, the loony loopy luddites of leftist liberalism have decided that Al Qaeda are just a figment of Bush's imagination.
So we must accept the truth that the CIA, along with the Mossad no doubt, brought down the twin Towers. We already know, thanks to the Freakish Francks that the Pentagon was an inside job, now we know the Towers were as well.
I am sure that the majority of liberals who are sane, rational and have at least a modicum of intelligence do not buy into this boogey man story. But it is amazing that even the looniest, loopiest most luddite of the left think this.
It does make it easy for the right to paint the left as out of touch with Mainstream. And as long as they have spokesmen (and spokeswomen) like this, they will forever be branded as as kooks and Whackos.
Maybe it is time they started distancing themselves from these clowns? Ya think? We would hope so, but as long as the Mikey Moore brain dead left continue to espouse the crazy kookish ideas, it will not happen.
Good luck spinning this one. I think you are going to need a cyclotron for that much spin!