Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Or just Crazy?
Published on January 7, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Most of us have heard that they threw out the conviction of Andrea Yates, even tho she confessed to it.  While I really think she is as crazy as a loon, this is not about her.

Locally, Richmond VA has been consistently in the top 10 when it comes to murder rates, and 2004 will be no exception with 95 murders in a population of 200k.

The way local governments work in Va, Counties are completely independant of Cities.  And the surrounding counties, while being half again as large people wise, usually have a murder rate commensuate with other urban countines, not a murder capitol.

So it came as somewhat of a shock that the first murder of the year occurred in one of the counties. But that is not the half of it.

The Victim was a 4 year old boy, and the perps?  His mother and boy fiend! (not a typo).  They were 'disciplining' him!  My GOD how bad can a 4 year old be to beat him to death!  This was not the work of some fruitcake like Andrea yates, this was just pure evil!  Bullies taking their impotence out on a poor child!

It makes me sick.  I am against the death penalty, but this case makes me want to be judge jury AND executioner!  I have 4 children, and while I do beleive in spanking, never more than that!  ANd never more than smacks on the butt!  Beating a small child like that is the purest form of evil!  ANd even thos I know these people are crazy, that is no excuse this time!

I really doubt they will get the chair, as it will be very hard for the state to prove pre-meditation.  SO they will hopefully rot in prison fore the rest of their lives!

And the ps to this sad tale?  The boy had a 3 year old sister that was beaten almost to death.  SHe is now in the hospital and will undoubtably be placed in the foster care system.  Not for anything she did, but due to an accident of birth.

It is sickening!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 07, 2005

Is that like almost pregnant?
Seriously though, I am opposed to the death penalty, but in cases like these society really has no other alternative.

Peace Mano.  No.  Mandatory sterilization of both and life in prison?  yes.  Dont compromise for the grossness of the crime.  And let the ACLU beat their breast about the sterilization.  That is not killing, that is preventing killing.

IN passion, I would say death to the evil people.  But in reasoned and faithful thought, that will not bring back that poor child.  Denying them any other children to harm and putting them in an 8x10 cell (probably only for 15 years based upon the charge!) will suffice.


on Jan 07, 2005
Reply By: hitparadePosted: Friday, January 07, 2005

. Even if it the government is only mistaken one percent of the time.... well that mistake can not be undone.

estimates its wrong 6% of the time .. that tryanslates to 6 out of every 100 prisoners that should not be there.. and 6 death sentences for innocent men
on Jan 08, 2005
Its hard for any cairing human to be objective when it comes to the murder of defence less children, yet it happens way to much, are murders insane, this depends on whether you use the states version of this or you consider all mental illness as insanity. Most countries consider a person insane when they are no longer are able to tell the difference between what is right and wrong ( taliking from the oint of view of the law and murder , medicine and its professionals have a much mpore involved process), many people try to use the insanity plea, mainly because they or thier lawyer knows that most people believe that you would be insane to kill someone in the first place. However in most cases the fact is that most people who kill are sane , which makes it all the harder to fathom. Having said that they may be sociopathic or psychopathic, these people can undersatnd just like the rest of us what is right and wrong and know exactly what the consequencers will be, and in most cases are very intelligent , intelligent enough to try an convience others of their percieved madness.

In brief are murders insane, no sick yes, shold they be locked away for good yes, put to death , well two wrongs don't make a right, especially when the person in the chair is innocent. Also on the question of execution, have a thought for those that have to do this, sadly many of these people are not designed to do this job why I here you ask, well most people are not natural born killers, and to take the life of another especially in such a clinical and premediated way is actually quite traumatic, and in many cases when executioners are studied it has been found that many are at best sociaopaths displaying no empathy for others, and in the right circumstances could well be the person ion the chair, this is by no way an indictment of all, just making the point that most that kill do so for selfish reasons generally only known to them, and reasoning which would not even make sense to us.
on Jan 08, 2005
I do believe in the Death Penalty. Cases like this make me wish comic characters like The Punisher were real people, you know?
There was a similar case a while back in a city near my hometown. These people (woman and boyFIEND) took the woman's little girl, about the same age, to the mall, where she died and they dumped her body. When it all came out, they had starved the little girl for months, not giving her any food, little water, keeping her in a closet and not letting her use the bathroom, not even letting her bathe. Why? Because she didn't belong to the psycho boyfriend.
And because the pathetic, dumbass, miserable excuse for a woman was liking the dick she was getting rammed to her, she went right along with it. They're both in prison for a long, long time.......on my dime and yours, of course----and that, right there, is the reason I believe in the Death Penalty.
on Jan 08, 2005
Let me clarify a little bit......they were going to abandon her at the mall, and she chose the terribly rude and inopportune moment to die, when she was in the car. So they just dumped her off, rolling her down over the bank from the parking lot into a drainage ditch full of weeds and trash.
They beat her, too, if she messed herself or did it in her closet. The little food she did get came sneaked to her from her little half-sister, the daughter of the boyfiend. If the sister got caught feeding her or letting her out to use the bathroom, she was punished.
They were the most hated people in the Upper Ohio Valley for months...they needed state troopers to escort them to and from jail and court.
on Jan 08, 2005
Murder in any for is repulsive, when it happens to defenceless children, and to do it in such a long painfull and cruel manner is something that disgusts even the most hardened of hearts. My reaction and that of most is to want these people dragged through the street and be put through the same torture they put their victims through this is a normal reaction. However comments like the following tend to make one wonder about the author, [They're both in prison for a long, long time.......on my dime and yours, of course----and that, right there, is the reason I believe in the Death Penalty.], while it really pisses me off to think my tax dollars go to housing people like this, I do not support the death penality, and thankfully we do not have it in Australia, for many reasons, one being that is any easy way out for many of these people, a life in jail is far more punishing in my estimation. What I do find repulsive is the fact that once they are in prison, we then put them in special protective custody because we know that the general population are even so repulsed that they would torture and kill them, whilist I know this is just as bad as having a law to let the state do it for us, I know this but I still would love to see these people suffer the way their victims did. Its interesting when you see interviews with the families of these inocent children, the ones that did love them if any did, or for that matter familys of all murder victims, after the perp has been executed, many comment that they wanted and sought closure and believed this would, many do get this and I think that is great, many others say that it gives them no comfort at all, with some even expressing the view that that rot in jail. The death penality is a vexing question I know but state santioned executions are not the answer, no matter how low the mistake rate, and is to open to abuse for those in a position to do this. Also with these people locked away for life the cost to the commmunity is propably no different to the cost for the repeated appeals that go on for many years, and in most cases still resulting in death at the end, just dragging out the process, and not to mention the fact of cost of special housing for these people , that requires special cells and their own facilities, not to mention the cost to the community of having the court system locked up in these appeals, while those who need help have to wait, by the way I am aware that people who get life do appeal as well, however the amount of appeals and time taken up is generally lower, mainly due o the fact that most of these lawyers make more money in private practice as oppose to pro bono work, so sadly in some cases these people are not keen to proceed with appeals beacuse of the pure economics, also a lot of this type of work ends up with Junior lawyers wanting to make a name for themselves, or those just trying to get experience, because they command a smaller fee, in many cases this is true for death penality convictions, however this does tend to attract the anti death penality crusaders who are happy to do this low paid work because they do npt believe in the death penality. I know I am rambling again.
on Jan 08, 2005
Mano, I did not delete any. Honest!

I believe you Doc... my puters been doing strange things lately....
on Jan 08, 2005
Let me clarify a little bit......they were going to abandon her at the mall, and she chose the terribly rude and inopportune moment to die, when she was in the car. So they just dumped her off, rolling her down over the bank from the parking lot into a drainage ditch full of weeds and trash.They beat her, too, if she messed herself or did it in her closet. The little food she did get came sneaked to her from her little half-sister, the daughter of the boyfiend. If the sister got caught feeding her or letting her out to use the bathroom, she was punished.They were the most hated people in the Upper Ohio Valley for months...they needed state troopers to escort them to and from jail and court.

As I said before "Oxygen Thieves".
on Jan 08, 2005

estimates its wrong 6% of the time .. that tryanslates to 6 out of every 100 prisoners that should not be there.. and 6 death sentences for innocent men

Yes, a dead man has no appeals.  That is another reason, even when the evidence is overwhelming.

on Jan 08, 2005

In brief are murders insane, no sick yes, shold they be locked away for good yes, put to death , well two wrongs don't make a right, especially when the person in the chair is innocent.

Zergimmi, I gave you an insightful and would have loved to have quoted your entire response.  But did not want to repeat you!  Suffice it to say, you have looked at the black hole, and seen the devil.  And you have your own strong opinions.  Of which I almost totally agree.

Maybe it is just me.  I cant see how a sane rational person could do such a thing.  I will not argeu medical or legal definitions.  that is just my 'feelings'.  Guess I would make a lousy juror. eh?

Thank you very much for that.  I am saving it.  maybe it will help in the future when another one of these crimes occur.

on Jan 08, 2005

Why? Because she didn't belong to the psycho boyfriend.

Amen!  I did not want to quote your whole response, but I doubt either of them got the death penalty.  And yet of all crimes, is this not the worst?

on Jan 08, 2005

What I do find repulsive is the fact that once they are in prison, we then put them in special protective custody because we know that the general population are even so repulsed that they would torture and kill them,

Damn Zergimmi!  Where have you been!  I agree so closely with you as it is eerie!  But here in the states, while they do seperate them from the general Pop, the other cons usually find a way to kill them.  Just look at Jeffrey Dahmer.

Another insightful!  Thank you!

on Jan 08, 2005

I believe you Doc... my puters been doing strange things lately....

Damn!  Just lost my excuse since I am a computer nerd!  I remotely programmed it dont cha know?

on Jan 08, 2005

As I said before "Oxygen Thieves".

And as I said before, Great Line!  I have already used it elsewhere!  With atribution of course!

on Jan 08, 2005
Update: The mother and boyfiend claim the boy ate something he was not supposed to! These slime evil shit balls are getting worse by the moment!
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