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silence over tsa loss of rights
Published on November 16, 2010 By Dr Guy In Politics

Liberals are predictable.

For many years, following 9/11 we heard how we had given up our rights by passing the Patriot Act.  Even though it was tailored to apply to non-citizens.  Even though it was passed by a bi-partisan congress (Democrats controlled the Senate).  Even though a solid majority democrat government (filibuster proof senate, large house majority, liberal democrat president) renewed it.  Liberals still wail and cry about how Bush was the usurper of rights!  None were lost, but do not tell that to the ACLU, Hillary, or the rest of the democrat leadership.

Now, YOU HAVE LOST RIGHTS!  But have you heard any of those parasites railing about that fact?

“By buying your ticket you gave up a lot of rights.”

Yep!  If you want the "convenience" ot air travel, you forfeit your rights!  Was there a new constitutional amendment on it?  Nope.  Was there a SCOTUS ruling on it?  Nope.  Was there even a vote in congress on it?  Well, kind of.  The leeches of DC did set up the new gestapo - the TSA, and their leader, Janet "Heinrich Himler" Napolitano, just decided to TAKE your rights.

But wait you say!  Airline Travel is a privilege!  Not a right.  Indeed you are correct.  So if it just ended there with a very evil statement by some Napolitano flunky, that would be it.  But NO!  You can refuse the loss of your rights, but in so doing, you are subject to large fines!

Michael J. Aguilar, chief of the TSA office in San Diego ..... said the investigation could lead to prosecution and civil penalties of up to $11,000.

See?  if you refuse to be groped by a sex deviant, and merely want to leave the airport, you cannot!  You get fined!  For what?  not wanting to be sexually molested?

Yep!  And I am sure pedophiles are going to love this job!  Of course people do not think about screening the screeners, but if a child's number comes up, they will get groped and feeled like the rest of the slaves to the TSA (formerly called citizens).  Boy, why lurk on line where cops will bust you?  Just join the TSA and get your jollies galore!

Someone said that the Terrorist have won.  Someone is right.

And the crickets chirp as the liberals clink their glasses of champagne over letting another terrorist loose while law abiding citizens are sexually molested, assaulted and battered by their friends in the Gestapo.

on Nov 16, 2010

I've often wondered about the deafening silence concerning the Patriot Act as of late, especially since the Obama Administration kept and expanded the program. Me, I'm not opposed to it, probably because I have nothing subversive to say over the phone, especially on an international call.

As for the TSA's new procedure, well that doesn't bug me too much either. The cost of safety these days, unfortunately. I am curious how many of the "outraged at touching their junk" or "seeing ones parts in the scanner" openly support the free peep show DAFT will provide for the gay community in the name of "performing a service" to the nation. Sucks when the karma goes both ways I guess. Perhaps if they push for openly gay airport screeners to do the check, it will make it all better.

on Nov 17, 2010

Nitro Cruiser
I've often wondered about the deafening silence concerning the Patriot Act as of late, especially since the Obama Administration kept and expanded the program. Me, I'm not opposed to it, probably because I have nothing subversive to say over the phone, especially on an international call.

I have never been threatened by the patriot act either.  I just find it very funny about the feigned outrage of the hypocritical left.  The act is constitutional as it has passed every test.  The problem is they think all 7 billion humans (and some go further with animals) are US citizens. 

Nitro Cruiser
As for the TSA's new procedure, well that doesn't bug me too much either. The cost of safety these days, unfortunately. I am curious how many of the "outraged at touching their junk" or "seeing ones parts in the scanner" openly support the free peep show DAFT will provide for the gay community in the name of "performing a service" to the nation. Sucks when the karma goes both ways I guess. Perhaps if they push for openly gay airport screeners to do the check, it will make it all better.

I am not afraid of having my nude picture floated around the internet.  But I do sympathize and understand those that do.  But that is not my main objection.  My main objection has to do with our loss of rights.  You cannot cede a right, regardless of the situation.  You still retain it.  You may not exercise it, but you have it.  the TSA and Janet "Heinrich Himler" Napolitano are basically saying - no - once you step inside an airport, you have ceded your rights.  I am vehemently against that.  Penn Jillette just called the police on a screener (it is on his blog).  I think more people should do just that.  Even though the TSA tried to push him out of the area, he refused until a Local Police officer showed up so he could file a complaint of sexual harassment.  Which it is.  You can volunteer to be harassed.  But you cannot be forced to be.  It is against the law. And your rights of privacy and decency.

on Nov 22, 2010

The hypocrisy is stunning.

As for the screenings, I have no objection to them in principle. Room for abuse (child molesters and such), sure.

Where I have an objection is that they have claimed the right to examine your portable electronic devices such as iPods and laptops to search for illegally downloaded music. That has nothing to do with flight safety and is a blatant violation of our rights against warrantless search and seizure.

on Nov 29, 2010

Where I have an objection is that they have claimed the right

I would not limit it to just devices.  As soon as they "claim the right", they have overstepped their bounds and violated the constitution.  The unfortunate reality is that is exactly what they are trying to do.  When John Tyner refused the pat down, that should have been the end of it.  He was not allowed to fly.  However, their threats of fines indicates they have assumed dictatorial powers in direct contradiction to our rights.

on Dec 01, 2010

Sorry BRS, this article is not about your own egotism.

on Dec 02, 2010

Dr Guy
When John Tyner refused the pat down, that should have been the end of it.  He was not allowed to fly.  However, their threats of fines indicates they have assumed dictatorial powers in direct contradiction to our rights.

Atlas Shrugged, anyone?