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Climatologists Do not know Statitstics
Published on August 16, 2010 By Dr Guy In The Environment

One of the most controversial items of the AGW Alarmists arsenal of weapons is the often disputed, and refuted hockey stick graph of Michael Mann.  Mann is not a climatologist per se, but his word is gospel to those who would like the world to believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW).  Interestingly enough, while his PHD is not in climate science or math, he at least did get BS in the later.  And Statistics are a branch of math, or they use to be until perverted.

But his hockey stick generator (Called a generator since inputting random data into his equations will always result in a hockey stick graph) was and is supposed to be the nail in the coffin demonstrating conclusively that we are cooking the planet.  Alas, that was refuted by McIntyre and McKitrick and since then their criticism has been validated by Wegman.  Still the Alarmists persevered with their  propaganda and tried to convince the world of the impending doom.

The Problem with Mcintyre & McKittrick (MM) refutation is that it did not go far enough.  They merely pointed out the hoax of the hockey stick, which was not enough for the rabid faithful.  Now comes a definitive study, peer reviewed and soon to be published, by McShane and Wyner 2010 showing that regardless of your blind faith in the Mann hockey sticks, the graph, hockey stick, and studies are garbage.  Statistically speaking.  In other words, Doctors of Statistics, are showing that the old cliche of GIGO (garbage in - garbage out) is alive and well and being used by the UN and governments around the world for propaganda,  Since that is the only thing it can be used for.  Scientifically it is garbage.

The irony of this paper is that Jones, Mann, Schmidt et. al. were unable to suppress it as they have done so many other refutations of their falsely generated mass hysteria.  While they appear to control many (if not most) of the climate journals, they do not control all scientific journals, and this one is going into the Annals of Applied Statistics.

As Abraham Lincoln said - You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time,  In the case of the manufactured hysteria over AGW, some of the people some of the time will actually be heard.  So the hucksters will eventually be exposed for the charlatans they are.

on Jul 04, 2011

It just keeps getting better.

on Jul 05, 2011

Yea, I saw that!  Pollute more to stop AGW!!!

on Jul 09, 2011

Now the EPA's gonna make sure we can't stop global warming (as opposed to punish inconveniently successful states for political reasons, of course).  Because without global warming to conquer, there is no rationale for the new world order.

on Jul 11, 2011

Because without global warming to conquer, there is no rationale for the new world order.

They will find another, but it will take many years, that is why they are so reluctant to let this one go (even though it is dying due to contradictions).

on Jul 11, 2011

This bogeyman is slowly but steadily marching toward the unemployment line, but rest assured that they will come up with another one soon enough to keep the research grants pouring in.

The "green" idea is big business, and they will keep the money coming in no matter what new bogeyman they need to fabricate. I expect that within a few years they will once again be warning us that we need to do something to head off the next ice age coming around the corner. After all, they haven't used that one since the 70s and there is a whole new generation that is too young to have been alive during that time so they'll buy in to it readily enough.

on Jul 11, 2011

I expect that within a few years they will once again be warning us that we need to do something to head off the next ice age coming around the corner.

Maybe we should start a pool on what the next one will be.  I think they will continue on the pollution schtick, but stay away from climate.  Instead going the "second hand smoke" type route.  You know, your car is killing babies and making them stupid?  They will have lots of examples of the latter.

on Aug 30, 2011

I expect that within a few years they will once again be warning us that we need to do something to head off the next ice age coming around the corner.

First hint?  Maybe Obama knew something, after all.

on Sep 01, 2011

First hint? Maybe Obama knew something, after all.

What the latest trick is, they are arbitrarily adding 3mm to the sea height every year.  Why?  They say  it is because the land is rising, so that is to compensate.  Just like they "adjusted" the temperature data to make 98 the hottest year.  The actual data does not support any of their conclusions.