Arizona is in the news of late. The passed what amounts to an enforcement law of a federal law - i.e. they passed a law stating they will enforce a federal law.
The law was very carefully written in expectations of being challenged on constitutional grounds. And of course every liberal from Obama down to Gavin Newsome has both decried the law, and threatened (if standing permitted) to take it to court. But even liberal constitutional scholars are doubting any will succeed given the law is an enforcement of a federal law.
So, taking another tact, many liberals have called for boycotts of Arizona (some idiots are even trying to boycott Arizona Tea - a soft drink made in New York). That is their right, and more power to them. But those self same outraged liberals just cant seem to bring themselves to do anything but jawbone their outrage.
Their feigned indignity is stripped bare by their unwillingness to help those they cry are being hurt by the new law. San Francisco, a "Sanctuary" city, has done and refuses to do anything for these poor down trodden criminals! They claim they will give them sanctuary, but then shy away from actually doing anything concrete. For like most liberals, they love to yell about perceived injustices, but refuse to put up their money to rectify the injustices.
I am sure SF will not allow any of its government staff to plan conventions in Arizona. You know about conventions, right? Those are the things liberals condemn when business does, while doing so from their own conventions that are merely non-taxed perks of leeching off the public dole. So Arizona may lose a few bucks from the fat cats of SF. But I do not think they will see much of an impact (government conventions are notorious for destructive behaviour and lousy tipping).
So we have just another example of liberals having big mouths, tight wads, and no guts. Lots of talk, but no walks.