I got the news Tuesday. My INCOME taxes are going up January 1, 2011 because of the new Health Care (deceptive advertising I know) law. Yet I do not make $250k. Nor combined with my Wife do we make $250k. We do not even make the $200k the bumbling boob of stupidity Biden said would be the cut off.
So I want to know. Where is the rest of my income? Obama promised that no one making less than the $250k would see a dime of increase in taxes. I will. And I do not make nearly that much.
So has the government stolen money from me that I was not aware of? Or did Obama just outright lie?
Given who is running the government, I can't give more weight to one or the other. Both are happening too frequnetly these days, and are equally likely.
Obama is a liar, and the democrats are stealing my income.