Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
But Nobody is Laughing
Published on February 4, 2010 By Dr Guy In Politics

I got interested in Anthoprogennic Global Warming (AGW) by being challenged by a co-worker.  Having some time on my hands between researching HEOA 2008 (a whole other story), I delved into it. At apparently the right time.  Just post Emailgate.  What I have found is both astonishing and embarrassing.  Astonishing for the depth of the deception, and embarrassing to anyone that would like to call the people perpetuating this hypothesis scientists.  Clearly they may have the title, but have no other relation to real scientists in other disciplines.

The fraud, deceptions, criminal acts, lies, and data manipulation go far beyond "hiding the decline" or deleting emails (illegal in both countries).  Herewith a brief, and far from comprehensive, synopsis of the goings on behind the latest world crises.

First we had GlacierGate.This is where Rajendri Pachauri, the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (for the UN), apparently used a climbers magazine (not peer reviewed) and an off hand comment by an Indian scientists to declare that the Himalayan Glaciers would disappear in 25 years.  Not even close.  the closest anyone can come to such an outrageous claim is that "someone" said they would disappear in 350 years.  just a small mistake.  But not the last.

Then we had AmazonGate where AGW was destroying 40% of the rainforests!  Problem is the publication did not talk about AGW, but rather the residents just clear cutting the forest (for cattle and crops).  And the sourced document was not Peer reviewed! (Per the standards imposed by the IPCC on all its sources).  So it was just a plain, undocumented lie.

Then there is GreenpeaceGate! This is more far reaching, but never the less, damaging.  In no less than 8 places in the IPCC AR4 report (4th Assessment report), the sources used for claims of AGW are none other than puff pieces put out by GreenPeace.  Now Greenpeace is a nice organization that does save whales, but they are hardly research scientists, nor are the peer reviewed.  They are an advocacy group with an agenda - an agenda against what?  Everything Man does.  Impartial, they are not.

Not to be outdone, the IPCC AR4 report then goes on to claim that AGW is soiling the Antartic with BootGate! - “The multiple stresses of climate change and increasing human activity on the Antarctic Peninsula represent a clear vulnerability (see Section 15.6.3), and have necessitated the implementation of stringent clothing decontamination guidelines for tourist landings on the Antarctic Peninsula (IAATO, 2005).”

They pulled a cleaning article out of a magazine to show how AGW was now desstroying the pristine wilderness of the antartic.  Again, there are 2 problems.  One is that it is definitely not peer reviewed, and worse, does not even talk about AGW (or any kind of climate).

But what if you want to find out about these things?  Why go to Wiki, right?  Not if you want the truth, for we also have WikiGate! How about that folks!  Of course you have not heard about dissent (at least if you get any news from Wiki), as the The fix was in!

But where is our watchdog media in all of this?  Should they not be protecting us from this scandal?  Not if you are the Ny Times! The IPCC AR4 reference reads (Wilgoren and Roane, 1999) and is the source for the following claim: Unreliable electric power, as in minority neighbourhoods during the New York heatwave of 1999, can amplify concerns about health and environmental justice.

So what next?  Can the Ar4 get any worse? Perhaps, considering who helped write it - Phil jones and Wei-Chyung Wang seem to have a problem with Chinese Temperatures. Chinagate! Must be all those funny characters, right?

What next?  Well, then we have the shenanigans that the CRU and NASA are playing with the numbers.  It seems that the number of stations they used to show the blade of the Hockey Stick went from aroun 6000 in 1990 to only about 1500 today. TemperatureStationGate!

Which lead directly to monkeying with the absence of numbers, or the Bolivia Effect! Thisis where the absence of the recording stations leads to global warming higher than the surrounding areas they are using to "extrapolate" the data from.  Cute trick.

But in all of this, at least some things are normal.  Your (if you are an American) tax dollars at work, with Gavin Schmidt Gate! Ah yes, an employee on the public dole maintaining a PR site for Phil Jones, Michael Mann, et, al. on government time.  How do we know?  because he follows his leaders well and deletes any dissenting comments from the site!  So if real Climate is the only source you are getting your information from, you are getting screwed (twice if you are an American).

But back to the IPCC AR4 report.  What has been happening there lately? Can we say Conflict of Interest? Yep! Seems the leader of the IPCC is profiting handsomely from this scare!  And not just from his Porn Book. The man is randy!

Ok, so what is left?  How about "Steal the Data before it is Quality reviewed!" or lets throw some real religion into this whole sordid affair.  How about the IPCC using a paper that was not peer reviewed, but rejected, before it was finally printed in a trade magazine - A year after it was referenced! They dont call that the Jesus Paper for nothing! Seems it died, was resurrected, then used before it was resurrected to promote IPCC AR4!

And then there is the latest scandal to hit the IPCC AR4 - Hurricanegate! It just keeps getting better and better. But it is not over yet.  To date, scientists and authors have discovered 9 citatations of a master thesis (it was all supposed to be Peer reviewed?  Where is a master thesis coming from??), 2 of which were never published, and 31 PHD theses or dissertations, one that was never published, and 3 from (guess where?) East ANglia!!  All in the IPCC AR4 report.  And the review has only just started.

yes, we can see that the "Holy Bible" of the AGW movement is rife with problems!  But have you heard it in the American Press?  Not hardly (at least the Uk is catching up).  And are you going to try to "Google" this stuff? Don't bother, because we also have Googlegate! yes, links on google have been disappearing faster than facts from the IPCC AR4 paper.  As much as I hate to say it, you are better off with Bing.  Someone at google does not want you to hear the truth!

There is a lot more, but this has gone on long enough.  So the next time someone tells you to believe them because "The Bible (AR4) tells them so", pop a top sit back, and show them their religion is falling apart.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 13, 2010

Well, I'm no expert on global warming or climate change... namely, because I have no relevant credentials (do you?) nor have I ever published any peer-reviewed papers on the topic (have you?)
Therefore, both you and I are relegated to the sidelines, kinda like common folk back in the day when Galileo said the earth wasn't the center of the universe and the church said it was... common folks like us could only sit on the sidelines and pontificate without being able to make an informed decision (all things considered)

... even from the perspective of an idiotic non-scientist like myself!  ...

I find this sad, honestly.  What happened to people's ability to think for themselves?  People who trust too much in those with "credentials" are easily led around like sheep.

Don't underestimate yourself.  If you can form a logical argument, then you can form a logical opinion.  Become a scientist - find your data, make a hypothesis, and look for additional evidence.  That's all scientists are: people who use logic to come up with an idea, then find evidence to support it.

on Feb 13, 2010

BFDaddy posts

Well done article, Doc.

I agree. Good job laying this all out. Makes it really easy to understand. You'd think with all this, the debate would be over, but far from it.....the Liberals need a crisis from which to save us and joined with the Global Warming alarmists have developed a culture of distortion.  So the beat goes on...

That man's activities are responsible for the warming and cooling of our Earth is pure bunk. Temperatures vary because the sun does its thing's on schedule and there is nothing we can do to stop it or redirect it.

I get riled when millions if not billions of taxpayer dollars are being handed out to GW alarmists and Green Religionists end up affecting public policy in ways that control our life.



on Feb 13, 2010

I find this sad, honestly.  What happened to people's ability to think for themselves?  People who trust too much in those with "credentials" are easily led around like sheep.

Don't underestimate yourself.  If you can form a logical argument, then you can form a logical opinion.  Become a scientist - find your data, make a hypothesis, and look for additional evidence.  That's all scientists are: people who use logic to come up with an idea, then find evidence to support it.

Correct, being a scientist is about demanding evidence, doing experiments, and using logic. "Credentials" have nothing to do with it.

Speaking of, the people WITH credentials have been saying its BS for years, its politicians and brain dead drugged out green activists who have been spreading lies as fact under false credentials.

on Feb 13, 2010

It'd be so much better for a small unit tax to be imposed on the normal lightbulbs (and/or subsidy for the more energy efficient ones) to adjust for the perceived increased damage to the environment from greater electricity consumption (or better yet, a tax on the electricity) meaning people can still get them if they really want them, than to ban them completely.

Be careful, this is exactly what the cap and trade people want. If they can get their foot in the door with such small things, it will escalate. Where/who would this tax money go to? Probably not where it would do any good except to line someones pockets.

on Feb 13, 2010

Not very surprising result really lol

I'll take that as a compliment.

on Feb 13, 2010

Nitro Cruiser

Not very surprising result really lol
I'll take that as a compliment.
hihi stereotypes are always based on a truth after all. And you're welcome.

on Feb 18, 2010

As mentioned, excellent article.

I am still amazed at how nutty people get over the fact that the planet's climate is in a state of change. It always has been, since the dawn of time. I believe that the real disaster would be for it to stop changing and become stagnant. Can you imagine the world we would currently be living in if that had happened during the last Ice Age?

A real man-made disaster is likely to result as Man tries to tinker with the natural cycles of the planet as, as a group, we simply lack the wisdom and knowledge to do anything but more harm. The banning of incandescent bulbs in favor of mercury laced CFC bulbs in just one example of that.

on Feb 18, 2010

It'd be so much better for a small unit tax to be imposed on the normal lightbulbs (and/or subsidy for the more energy efficient ones) to adjust for the perceived increased damage to the environment from greater electricity consumption (or better yet, a tax on the electricity) meaning people can still get them if they really want them, than to ban them completely.

While it IS better than an actual BAN, it is still wrong. You don't see people advocating "just a little rape" because its "better" then "lots of rape"

on Feb 23, 2010

Nitro Cruiser
At least you still have normal lightbulbs. The EU, in its internal wisdeom, has banned regular lightbulbs.

We're not far behind you!!!

Neither is the EPA!

on Feb 23, 2010

Generally I am with you on those pinciples of what the government should do. It is just that I don't believe that a state would function like that
Huh. So .. I stereotyed you.. (only a little bit) and you're a fairly typical american in the sense that individualism and self reliance are really really important and you got the frontier mentality of making it on your own. Not very  surprising result really lol

many have said that there is not a dimes worth of difference between the American Parties (mostly foreigners).  And many have said there is not that much difference between most european governments and the US.  When looking at extremes, they are right.  The battles are not fought on the ends, but in the middle with the nuanced differences.

WHAT! Normal light bulbs don't have mercury! CFL Lightbulbs DO have mercury!

Don't get me wrong, I use CFL lighbulbs because I save a bunch of MONEY on electricity. But in terms of pollution they should be banning CFLs for their mercury, not banning incandescents for their higher electricity consumption.

This kind of government idiocy makes me think of the great leap forward

There you go again!  Trying to assign rational thought to governments!  Of course it is stupid!  But they (the Eco nuts) are fighting one battle at a time.  Today they ban incandessants.  Once that is done, then they use the EPA to ban mercury!  One step at a time.

I don't like CFL bulbs becauses it takes about 2 minutes for them to become bright and the light is awful at that.

My wife wanted me to start buying them as well - the energy savings.  And yea, that is what I noticed as well!  So what do I do now?  I leave the lights on so they dont have to "warm up" and what does that do?  Waste energy.

on Feb 23, 2010

Remember, people are a "renewable resource", but we only have one earth [/sarcasm]

Yea, I did my renewing there.

I wish policy makers would have to have a crash course in basic economics so they'd hopefully learn that banning things should only be a last resort where nothing else will work effectively (as well as hopefully learning other valuable lessons such as favouring increased information for the customer to allow choice over excessive regulation that restricts choice).

I can see why politicians are buying into the man-made global warming theory though - it gives them a great chance to raise loads of taxes on us under the pretence of doing it for the good of the environment.

Oh, they will use the ban next - on the CFLs!  And yes, that is exactly why politicians are buying the scientists and the issue.  Al gore got a D in the subject (and his professor even rebuked him after he published Earth in the Balance), But he stayed with it.  Why?  Check out who owns a carbon trading firm.

on Feb 23, 2010

I find this sad, honestly.  What happened to people's ability to think for themselves?  People who trust too much in those with "credentials" are easily led around like sheep.

Don't underestimate yourself.  If you can form a logical argument, then you can form a logical opinion.  Become a scientist - find your data, make a hypothesis, and look for additional evidence.  That's all scientists are: people who use logic to come up with an idea, then find evidence to support it.

It is actually worse than that.  They (the Pro AGW group) has actually manufactured the "experts" such that they are, but those with identical qualifications are not.  There is only one qualification for being an "expert" in Climate - if you agree in AGW.  Then it does not matter what your degree is in!  Just check out Mumblefratz's "sources"!  he touts one (a geologist) and trashes another (a meterologist).  So which has more to do with Climate?  Why the one that says man is causing it according to MF.

They are not only manufacturing the data, they are manufacturing the experts!


I agree. Good job laying this all out. Makes it really easy to understand.

Thanks.  I do not often get comments from you Lula, but I do appreciate them,

I get riled when millions if not billions of taxpayer dollars are being handed out to GW alarmists and Green Religionists end up affecting public policy in ways that control our life.

Well, the AGW crowd wants you to ignore all that money they are getting (it comes from clean hands, not dirty business hands).  But money is money.  Where it comes from is far down the list of importance when it is in your wallet.  Especially when you have already demonstrated you will do or say anything to get it.

on Feb 23, 2010

Correct, being a scientist is about demanding evidence, doing experiments, and using logic. "Credentials" have nothing to do with it.

Speaking of, the people WITH credentials have been saying its BS for years, its politicians and brain dead drugged out green activists who have been spreading lies as fact under false credentials.

Yes!  One of the most respected men in science never got a PHD in anything! (He just could not be bothered).  His name?  Freeman Dyson.

Nitro Cruiser
Be careful, this is exactly what the cap and trade people want. If they can get their foot in the door with such small things, it will escalate. Where/who would this tax money go to? Probably not where it would do any good except to line someones pockets.

Creeping incrementalism!  on a side note (and not to off track this discussion), the problem with Obama care is they tried to circumevent this method!  After they were dealt the Brown set back, it was reported that the US Government already controls over 50% of the health care!  How?  Creeping incrementalism.

I am still amazed at how nutty people get over the fact that the planet's climate is in a state of change. It always has been, since the dawn of time. I believe that the real disaster would be for it to stop changing and become stagnant. Can you imagine the world we would currently be living in if that had happened during the last Ice Age?

yea, but think about being able to plan a picnic 10 years in advance!   Sometimes i think that is what they expect!

A real man-made disaster is likely to result as Man tries to tinker with the natural cycles of the planet as, as a group, we simply lack the wisdom and knowledge to do anything but more harm. The banning of incandescent bulbs in favor of mercury laced CFC bulbs in just one example of that.

I agree totally!  Perhaps we should look at this the way a doctor looks at a patient, Primum non nocere - first do no wrong!  or put simply, if you dont know what you are doing, dont do it!

on Feb 23, 2010

While it IS better than an actual BAN, it is still wrong. You don't see people advocating "just a little rape" because its "better" then "lots of rape"

or a little murder since it is better than a lot of murder.

Oh wait, they are already advocating that.  Too late.

on Feb 23, 2010

so... turns out the US did ban incandescent bulbs in favor CFLs (the ban takes effect in 2014, earlier if you live in California, Connecticut, and New Jersey):

Various governments around the world are banning Incandescent light bulbs in favor of "greener alternatives" such as CFLs. Specifically: Philippines, European Union, Ireland, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Canada, Cuba, Oceania, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Venezuela, and the USA.

In the USA, California, Connecticut, and New Jersey have individually enacted their own individual legislation, and the rest of the United States is set to catch up with a federal bill (that has been passed) that requires "minimum efficiency" by 2014.

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