Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
So sayeth the Women's Media Center
Published on January 27, 2010 By Dr Guy In Politics

It is not enough now for the descendants of Margaret Sangar to merely promote abortion.  They now are trying to squash any mention of alternatives!  And to hide any story that offers a glimmer of hope to women going through troubled pregnancies!

Pam Tebow, the mother of Heisman Winner Tim Tebow, has an ad that will be run during the Superbowl.  In it, she tells of the time she was pregnant with Tim and developed an infection.  Doctors advised her to have an abortion, but she decided against it.  And as they say, the rest is history.  It is a story of hope and heart warming for most people.  How a strong woman decided to keep a child that eventually made a huge impact on all of us.

Yet liberal women's groups are trying to supress the Ad.  Why?  Because it is anti-American of course!  We are to beleive that abortion is no longer a choice now, but a mandate!  If you are to be a good american, you must have an abortion (at least once right?).

It is a sad day when we have come to a brave new world.  A world of 1984 (sorry for all the literary references) where NewSpeak has taken over our freedom of speech.  We no longer have a "choice".  The choice should be made by these "enlightened" people that tell us what Pam Tebow did was "bad, evil, anti-American"!  Shudder the thought that it would influence any other women to perhaps NOT get an abortion!  That is an abomination and should be killed (both the baby and the message).

These groups disgust me!  But what disgusts me even more is myself and the rest of my fellow citizens that have allowed this "creeping incrementalism" to redefine our society.  From one of freedom, to one of eugenics in just a generation.

Ladies, you no longer have a choice.  if anyone tells you to have an abortion, YOU MUST HAVE AN ABORTION.  So sayeth our new Big Brother (sister).

on Jan 27, 2010

A woman must have the right to choose. Mrs. Tebow chose life. If the oponants don't like that choice then they are not pro choice but pro death!

on Jan 27, 2010

Too bad some of these same "womans" group members parent's didn't hold their offspring's views. It's a pity when you see women demonize the most significant thing that makes them different from men (and IMO better than men). What's next, demand urinals in women's restrooms?

on Jan 28, 2010

A woman must have the right to choose. Mrs. Tebow chose life. If the oponants don't like that choice then they are not pro choice but pro death!

They are definitely not pro choice as the latest episode proves.

Nitro Cruiser
Too bad some of these same "womans" group members parent's didn't hold their offspring's views. It's a pity when you see women demonize the most significant thing that makes them different from men (and IMO better than men). What's next, demand urinals in women's restrooms?

As the joke goes - the only pro-abortion people around are those that have made it past the birth canal.

on Jan 28, 2010

To those of the Abortion Cult, a live birth is merely a failed abortion.

We look down on the Nazis for the blood on their hands of 6 Million.. yet there are Americans who defend and honor the killing of 50 million.


on Jan 28, 2010

It is indeed sick when those who proclaim themselves to be "pro choice" do everything in their power to supress even the mention of choices that are alternatives to their own. I suppose the idea of pro choice is only valid if it's their choice.

on Jan 29, 2010

To those of the Abortion Cult, a live birth is merely a failed abortion.

very sad - and very true.  If nothing else, this controversy at least strips the veneer off their "pro-choice" facade.  They are not pro-choice, they are pro-abortion, period.

It is indeed sick when those who proclaim themselves to be "pro choice" do everything in their power to supress even the mention of choices that are alternatives to their own. I suppose the idea of pro choice is only valid if it's their choice.

In a way that is not surprising,  After all, to a liberal (where these clowns hail from), compromise is always "you come to me".  They never move.  So why in this area should we think they are any different?  It is kind of funny, but I am reminded of the old soviet joke "We have freedom in our country too!  We can stand in Red Square and criticize Pres. Kennedy too!". That is pure liberal!

on Feb 01, 2010

We look down on the Nazis for the blood on their hands of 6 Million.. yet there are Americans who defend and honor the killing of 50 million.

It was six million jews in concentration camps, the total ran to over 13 million people of various degrees of disfavor with the bosses.  Just a minor point.   That doesn't include all the soldiers and civilians of various religious affiliations who were killed in other aspects of the Nazi-instigated war.  But that isn't what I wanted to say...

What I wanted to point out is that the lefties have really missed out on a pool of voters.  I dare say that most of the abortions that have been performed terminated a life that would most probably grown up to be a liberal (considering the demographics) voter.  That is a pretty big chunk of the population to loose out on.

on Feb 01, 2010

Big Fat Daddy
What I wanted to point out is that the lefties have really missed out on a pool of voters.  I dare say that most of the abortions that have been performed terminated a life that would most probably grown up to be a liberal (considering the demographics) voter.  That is a pretty big chunk of the population to loose out on.

Indeed, and perhaps that is what is causing them the most heartburn with the Tebow ad.  It shows that some conservatives refuse to self terminate, and thus multiply.  If indeed one of their reasons for being so enraged with the ad is that it demonstrates the termination of their ideas, then all they are still doing is deluding themselves.  Whether the message gets out (that liberals are self terminating and conservatives are not) is irrelevant as the final results will bear out the trend.