Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Interesting question
Published on November 27, 2004 By Dr Guy In Politics

Simply put what is a conservitive?.

Conservative or Republican?

Conservatives believe in limited goverment.  We dont like a 'nanny state'.  We want to decide for ourselves. We do believe that the UN is a joke, not due to a misconception, but due to historical perspective.  They just have not done anything to indicate they believe or support their charter.

We believe in Charity for the misfortunate, but that it should be a helping hand, not a hand out.  We belive that life is not fair.  But people can be fair and charitable.  So if you are making a million, and your neighbor is not, that is not bad.  it is life.  But we can and do offer a helping hand.

We believe that our earnings are ours, and our charitible contributions are also ours.  To give to those we see as the needy, and not the greedy.  Does that make us bad?

We are not judgemental.  So you can decide the last question.  And in the final analysis,. we are not going to debate you .  Because your definitions of needy and greedy is your own subjective opinion, as is ours.  So you can support yours, and we can support ours.

We also believe that all people are equal, but life is not equal., So while I am not billl Gates, that does not mean I was deprived.  It just means I made different decisions.

We also do not condemn progress just because it is not to the liking of some tree huggers.  We love the environment, but we do not subvert humanity for it.

We understand that the Sun, and the earth have more impact on global cooling than this feeble thing called man can ever have.  yet we know we can pollute it and we strive to make sure we dont.

We are the socialist and Communist worst nightmare, and best hope.  We care, but in the end, more than caring, we do.  We dont hug trees, we harvest them, and replace them.  So that there are more trees today than when our ancestors set foot on this continent. (Can the socialist of Europe say that?).

We are your worst nightmare for one simple reason.  We are right.  And you just care, but dont know.

I know this is going to get flames., but in the end, it will make no difference.  For Lliberals care, but do nothing.  Conservatives care and do.  Not always the best, but always to make a change.

THAT is the difference.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 27, 2004
From DNCdude:
Thank you! Coming from a strong democratic and liberal family its nice to see a side of the conservitives that does not including choice words, put downs, or liberal agendas. However this is not to say I agree with every thing you say particularly that liberals care but do nothing. My mother is a strong well known liberal democrat in our local community who has raised money for charities benefiting the poor, and research for diseases. To a higher more widely known stage Bill Clinton(what kind of democrat wouldn't bring him up?) in 1993 recognized the threat of crime and signed into law a document though flawed that helped bring crime to an all time low. He saw the threat of Aids and Altzeimers, diseases that were neglected much of their funding by previous administrations. As to your remark "We do believe that the UN is a joke, not due to a misconception, but due to historical perspective." I say amen to that however for the party that cares and does why does President Bush brush it aside instead of getting more involved to help make a new more purposeful United Nations that has a history of uniting the world and ending genocide and other acts of evil. Oh and by the way you aren't my worst nightmare. In fact no where near it. Thank you again!

With gratitude,

on Nov 27, 2004

Reply #1 By: DNCdude - 11/27/2004 5:23:14 PM
From DNCdude:
Thank you! Coming from a strong democratic and liberal family its nice to see a side of the conservitives that does not including choice words, put downs, or liberal agendas. However this is not to say I agree with every thing you say particularly that liberals care but do nothing. My mother is a strong well known liberal democrat in our local community who has raised money for charities benefiting the poor, and research for diseases. To a higher more widely known stage Bill Clinton(what kind of democrat wouldn't bring him up?) in 1993 recognized the threat of crime and signed into law a document though flawed that helped bring crime to an all time low.

Please don't tell me your refering to the AWB?
on Nov 27, 2004
Please don't tell me your refering to the AWB?

If you mean assault weapons ban yes, yes I am, with all respect to those who own guns.
on Nov 27, 2004

From DNCdude:
Thank you! Coming from a strong democratic and liberal family its nice to see a side of the conservitives that does not including choice words, put downs, or liberal agendas. However this is not to say I agree with every thing you say particularly that liberals care but do nothing. My mother is a strong well known liberal democrat in our local community who has raised money for charities benefiting the poor, and research for diseases. To a higher more widely known stage Bill Clinton(what kind of democrat wouldn't bring him up?) in 1993 recognized the threat of crime and signed into law a document though flawed that helped bring crime to an all time low. He saw the threat of Aids and Altzeimers, diseases that were neglected much of their funding by previous administrations. As to your remark "We do believe that the UN is a joke, not due to a misconception, but due to historical perspective." I say amen to that however for the party that cares and does why does President Bush brush it aside instead of getting more involved to help make a new more purposeful United Nations that has a history of uniting the world and ending genocide and other acts of evil. Oh and by the way you aren't my worst nightmare. In fact no where near it. Thank you again!

Geez DNC dude!  Where do I begin?

Ok, I wont.  Cause I dont disagree with you!  Or your mother!  In fact, your mother and I probably are the same side of the coin.  But we just call ourselves something differnt.

I dont give to all charities, as I give to my main ones.  We have our purposes, and we need to support them.  That is what it is all about.

In the end, we just disagree on how to do it.  But your mother and I agree on that.  Dont worry.  I doubt she will be a conservative, but we willl take care of our all. And I would love to meet her!

Seems we have a lot in common!

Thank you!

on Nov 27, 2004

Reply By: DNCdudePosted: Saturday, November 27, 2004
Please don't tell me your refering to the AWB?

If you mean assault weapons ban yes, yes I am, with all respect to those who own guns.

I think he was talking about the Average White Band.

But maybe not......


As for the other, That  is not a conservative issue.  It IS a law enforcement  issue and transcends conservative and liberal issuesbased upon definitions.

on Nov 27, 2004
Geez DNC dude! Where do I begin?
Ok, I wont. Cause I dont agree with you!

What don't you agree with I was under the impression some things though they displease some people are fact.
As for the other, That is not a conservative issue. It IS a law enforcement issue and transcends conservative and liberal issuesbased upon definitions.

Agreed it isn't aconservative issue but it is an issue conservatives have taken a place on and deserves recognition.
on Nov 27, 2004
Geez DNC dude! Where do I begin?
Ok, I wont. Cause I dont agree with you!

DNC, I fat fingered that. I corrected it. Read my corrected response and then we can discuss. Sorry about that!. Just wish I did not have the stupiid pinched nerves (and yea, that is a great excuse, but this time it is true).
on Nov 27, 2004
Reply #6 By: Citizen DNCdude - 11/27/2004 6:21:47 PM
Geez DNC dude! Where do I begin?
Ok, I wont. Cause I dont agree with you!

What don't you agree with I was under the impression some things though they displease some people are fact.As for the other, That is not a conservative issue. It IS a law enforcement issue and transcends conservative and liberal issuesbased upon definitions.

Agreed it isn't aconservative issue but it is an issue conservatives have taken a place on and deserves recognition.

Mea Culpa! See the previous! A big oops! I did fix it. Sorry about that!
on Nov 27, 2004

For Lliberals care, but do nothing. Conservatives care and do.

It's wonderful to have goals (liberal).  It's even better to have achieveable goals (conservative).

on Nov 27, 2004
It's wonderful to have goals (liberal). It's even better to have achieveable goals (conservative).

Just curious but who are you to decide what is achievable and what is not. Personally your input is invalid dharmagrl.
on Nov 27, 2004

Reply #3 By: DNCdude - 11/27/2004 5:36:39 PM
Please don't tell me your refering to the AWB?

If you mean assault weapons ban yes, yes I am, with all respect to those who own guns.

Sorry but the AWB did "absolutely" nothing and that comes from both sides of the fence Dem & Rep alike. It didn't ban anything. All it did was stop them from mfg. more of the same. It didn't touch those that were already out there. And in actuality It didn't even stop the mfg of assualt weapons . It just forced the mfg's to make minor changes to the firearms so they could continue making them. The AWB was based on looks alone. Sen Feinstein gave her people a catalog of firearms and told them to pick the scariest ones. And *that's* what you precious AWB is based on.

blithering idiots
The pathetic joke known as the 1994 ban on "Assault Weapons" is set to expire at midnight tonight, and the bill appears to be headed for a timely death. It was never anything but a joke, hustled by Diane Feinstein, who wouldn't know an "assault weapon" from a barking dog. That was one pussified law.

Some people remain pussified

Over the last decade, buying an assault weapon hasn't been as easy as it once was. For that you can credit Congress, which decided in 1994 that rapid-fire killing machines have no proper place in American life. Apparently that conclusion has been renounced, for assault weapons are even now rushing back into gun shops. Today marks the expiration of the ban -- and the coming of a great shopping opportunity for gunsters.
No, "assault weapons" ARE NOT rushing back into gun shops. It's still illegal to own a fully-automatic weapon, which is what a genuine assault weapon is. All lifting the ban will do is allow people to by scary-looking guns that made the pussified piss their pants when they see one, even though the gun is no more lethal or murderous than a host of other guns that remained legal.

Never mind that most Americans strongly backed the ban.
Most Americans also supported slavery and opposed desegregation of public schools, too. Most Americans can be really full of shit sometimes. That's why we live in a REPUBLIC instead of a pure democracy.

This raises an old question: Given the broad support it enjoyed, how could the ban possibly fizzle? Give credit to America's gunmakers and their shills at the National Rifle Association, who rely on subtle threats, high-profile lobbying and shrewdly targeted donations to avert interference with unfettered gun sales. There's also the gun lobby's duping claim that the assault-weapons ban has hurt hunters and sport-shooters: The ban focused only a small class (many say too small) of shoot-from-the-hip military weapons; semiautomatic hunting rifles and pistols stayed on the market.
Oh, gag me. We don't have "unfettered gun sales." That's nothing but a fucking lie. This entire bill was designed to do one thing, and one thing only: begin the erosion of the Second Amendment and eventually lead to a total ban on firearms in this country. Anybody who thinks anydifferently is either a liar or a dupe.

No, the assault-weapons ban hasn't crippled gun enthusiasts. What it has done is dampen the use of assault guns in crimes and help spur the overall decline in gun deaths in recent years. This is why police departments across the country have long backed the assault-weapons ban -- and lament its expiration.
More pure horseshit. The one thing that REALLY helped reduce gun deaths over the years is locking up the criminal fucks who commit the crimes. And most OF THOSE criminal fucks didn't use assault weapons when they killed somebody.

I look at this crap and I go back to what Benjamin Franklin once said: "If you're willing to give up your freedom for a false sense of security, you deserve neither freedom nor security."
on Nov 27, 2004
For Lliberals care, but do nothing. Conservatives care and do.

This is a great post, DrGuy, but I find this statement (above) far too broad, and insulting, actually.
on Nov 27, 2004
drmiller I did say in my original message that the ban was flawed. Wether it was a factor in the decrease in crime in the ninieties I will leave up to you. However of the facts I have I say it helped.


P.S. Long Live Bill Clinton!
on Nov 27, 2004

Just curious but who are you to decide what is achievable and what is not. Personally your input is invalid dharmagrl.

I could give a rat's ass what you think is invalid or not.  I wasn't even talking to you.  Take your 'invalid' and shove it up your ass.  Sideways.

on Nov 27, 2004
Take your 'invalid' and shove it up your ass. Sideways.

Sounds painful.

For Liberals care, but do nothing. Conservatives care and do.

This is such pure bullshit I can't just let it stand. Who do you think entertains you? Who wrote the great works of philosophy that underpin your ideals? Who creates the artworks and the music that define generations? Who fought to end the poorhouses of the 19th century? Who fought for women's liberation and the end of slavery?

It's rare that you can attribute any of the above directly to conservatives, but it's quite common to be able to make the links to liberals. Liberals may not make as much money and 'product' (although that is highly debatable as well) but they do contribute just as much as conservatives to society.
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