Back in the primaries, one of our esteemed fellow JU members wrote about a key primary in their state and how it was nice at first that they were getting attention, but not for long.
Fast forward about 7 months. ANd multiply by $600million! This state has become the keystone state. Several are said to be in play, but for some reason, the candidates see this one as the key state. I really wish they did not. While it is flattering (not really) to think that "our vote" counts this election year, it tires quickly. Getting 3-4 poll calls a night (we just bought Caller ID phones this weekend - praise the lord!) is very aggravating as they dont take no for an answer!
Sunday, my wife and son were celebrating my birthday with a few of our friends. I saw the poll workers coming from across the road! One of the friends (the boy I have blogged about previously that I was tutoring), is bi-lingual, so instead of answering the door (we were entertaining company, comeon people!), we sent him to the door to say "Senor no esta en casa". Did the poll worker depart? Hell no! She stood there! We finally told him to just go shut the door, and then finally she left. What a pushy poll worker!
And that is 2 weeks before the election. I expect a lot more visits before it is over. And of course the 3-4 calls a night from various "vote for us" people. I have at least 2 things to be pleased about in all this. One is my wife's decision to buy Caller ID phones. (Some still leave messages on our voice mail - like we are going to listen to them?). The other is - I aint voting for none of them!
November 5th cant come fast enough. It may be true that the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about - but right now, being the center of attention is not good at all. I look forward to the days when my vote is lost in an overwelming decision for one candidate over the other and at least I dont have to fend off the pirhanna poll workers.
Oh, and just an after thought. Whatever else this election is or is not about, McCain Fiengold just got slam dunked and one of the authors has no one but himself to blame! And that brings a smile to my face.