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Let The Candidates Decide
Published on September 16, 2008 By Dr Guy In Democrat

In any election, since media became a factor, political campaigns have had negative ads.  Some worse than others (the Daisy Ad), and some just funny.  Most are just designed to show the shortcomings of the opponent, figuring (rightly or wrongly) that voters will not see the shortcomings without being lead to them.

So who is the king of negative ads in this campaign?  If we ask the media, or the pundits, or the emotional "Wanna-bee" reporters, or even blogdom, I am sure we are going to get many answers.  But when it comes right down to it, who would know more about what ads their campaign is running?  The Candidates.

So let's allow one to speak for himself:

"If we're going to ask questions about, you know, who has been promulgating negative ads that are completely unrelated to the issues at hand, I think I win that contest pretty handily," Obama said.

I guess the messiah has spoken.  So for all the foreigners thinking that McCain is the bad guy, who are you going to believe?  Some biased media pundit?  A blog?  Or the candidate himself.

I wonder if Obama is going to run this ad in all 57 states?

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on Sep 18, 2008

...but I'm pretty sure that's in the right ballpark.

Definitely the Mets ball park in September the way they play!

on Sep 18, 2008

Male life expectancy in the US today is ~75 years.

ok going by Zoo's figures and put with Mooseplow's figures, this should take care of this issue.......see we can figure things out all by ourselves......

anyhow.....if life expectancy is 75 and McCain is a new 72 now,  then all he has to do is live one year past life expectancy which, when looking at his mother, he should be able to do. 

If he dies exactly at life's expectancy which is 75 Sarah would be Prez for one year.  So what's the big deal?  If we don't like her during that one year, we vote her out and move on.  Not a biggie. 



on Sep 19, 2008

So what's the big deal? If we don't like her during that one year, we vote her out and move on. Not a biggie.

Sorry, KFC...that's too much of a risk.  That is a biggie in my book.  This "pitbull with lipstick" shouldn't even be as close as she is to being the highest ranking executive branch member in our government.

on Sep 20, 2008

Sorry, KFC...that's too much of a risk.

And Obama Biden are not?  We do know more about Palin than we do Obama.  So who is the greater risk?  The one you know (and has experience) or the one you dont (and is clueless)?

on Sep 20, 2008

This issue of experience in this election is not something I see as the huge factor it is played up to be.  Both tickets have their experienced sides in politics with McCain and Biden.  My beef is not with the experience of Governor Palin, but rather with her ideology and her conservative views.  Had that comment been about McCain I would have said the same thing, minus the lipstick quote and female pronouns , simply because I don't believe in his political views.  She IS worse than him in my opinion though...perhaps that might be my first political article here on JU.  We'll see.

on Sep 20, 2008

Sorry, KFC...that's too much of a risk.

You know after watching Charlie interview Palin I came across a thought that I believe is accurate.

With Obama you get a man who looks good when he speaks even though he's not really saying a whole lot. 

With Palin, we get somebody who, (thinking about that interview) needs to be researched to be able to answer effectively or she looks like a deer caught in the headlights.  When she does the research and knows the subject matter, she's really got something to say worth listening to. 

I don't think Obama knows anything about research, but he sure does look good when he's up there preaching. 

on Sep 20, 2008

Had that comment been about McCain I would have said the same thing, minus the lipstick quote and female pronouns

Eh, too bad, it would have been more fun.

Yea, Palin has less liberalism (More Conservatism) than Obama.

And we will see in about 6 weeks.  If he had just kept to his promise and not picked Biden.

on Sep 20, 2008

I don't think Obama knows anything about research, but he sure does look good when he's up there preaching.

The pretty ones are to be feared the most, for they do not get ahead on substance, but on style.

on Sep 20, 2008

I hear a lot about John McCain having one foot in the grave, but then I've heard a few people here and there who are concerned that Obama might get shot.  How does that figure into the life expectancy question?  (My mother in law believes that's why he didn't pick Hillary as his running mate--because he was worried Hillary would have him killed and make it look like white supremecists did it.)

on Sep 20, 2008

(My mother in law believes that's why he didn't pick Hillary as his running mate--because he was worried Hillary would have him killed and make it look like white supremecists did it.)

There are more people than your mother in law worried about that.

But even putitng political assassination aside, the fact remains, that McCain has  a longer life expectancy today - based on genetics - than does Obama.

on Sep 23, 2008

My beef is not with the experience of Governor Palin, but rather with her ideology and her conservative views.


In every political race it is a battle of ideologies. Yours is one that seems at odds with the rest of the nation. Hers seems more inline with the rest of the nation. You don’t like her beliefs and think that they would hurt the nation. Yet they are the same beliefs of our founding fathers, are you sure you are against people having the freedom to choose who they want to lead our nation and their choice of a successor? I don’t like Senator McCain or Senator Obama, this brings it down to the VP choice as the deciding factor. I have less respect for Senator Biden because he was found out to be a liar and a plagiarist and rejected by his own party each time he ran for president. Governor Palin in my way of thinking is a better choice as president than VP but this is what was offered her. Senator McCain’s choice of someone that is conservative rather than another liberal like himself tells me that he has good judgment. Senator Obama’s choice of Senator Biden tells me that he chose someone that would not stab him in the back rather than someone that can be the next president if elected.


What is it with the democrats of late? They chose Senator Lieberman as VP and when they lost they kicked him out of the party. What does that say about their choices for president and vice-president? How bad is their judgment when in four years you trash and destroy the guy you said would be the second best choice as president for your party?

on Sep 23, 2008

How bad is their judgment when in four years you trash and destroy the guy you said would be the second best choice as president for your party?

Thats a big negative lieberman is the guy who Al Gore said would be the second best to be president, not democrats.  We were just forced to get behind him if we wanted Gore.

on Sep 23, 2008

Thats a big negative lieberman is the guy who Al Gore said would be the second best to be president, not democrats. We were just forced to get behind him if we wanted Gore.


So, let me get this straight. You are saying that it was not your party’s fault it was Mr. Gore’s fault. But he was your choice for president and his judgment as your choice was so stupid as to pick Senator Lieberman as a running mate. You are right this is a package deal and if his judgment was that bad why did you support him? So you admit that your party has a history of bad judgment in presidential candidates. If he was so bad why did so many vote for him?

on Sep 23, 2008

So, let me get this straight. You are saying that it was not your party’s fault it was Mr. Gore’s fault. But he was your choice for president and his judgment as your choice was so stupid as to pick Senator Lieberman as a running mate. You are right this is a package deal and if his judgment was that bad why did you support him? So you admit that your party has a history of bad judgment in presidential candidates. If he was so bad why did so many vote for him?

No I did not say that you are putting words in my mouth.  what I said is that if we as democrats wanted Gore we had to vote for Lieberman.  I didnt say that I felt that way.  But if you want my personal opinion on that matter, I would say that lieberman was a good pick from the point that he was a more centrist democrat and stronger looking on defense, and experienced.


P.S. We all know Gore won that election anyway...but that goes without saying...I figured you would all love that one.

on Sep 23, 2008

 If he was so bad why did so many vote for him?

Really?  The other side had a guy I would never vote for throughout my existence.  I wasn't able to vote in 2000, so that wasn't too much of a concern of mine, however, we still need to only pick from the best side unfortunately because that's what it's always coming down to in elections here.  We get two choices to weigh out and go with the one that we think will do the least amount of damage.  The one I thought would do the least damage didn't get voted in by America (or maybe Gore really did get the votes), and now we've seen the tragic results of eight years.  Speaking of which, who wants to make bets on a recount this year?!?

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