Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Miss Alabama, 1994
Published on August 25, 2008 By Dr Guy In Blogging

I saw death this past week.  Just briefly. He visited a friend.  A friend who welcomed him with open arms.  A friend who had lived a very good life, but at the end, was tired.  And sad.  Sad that he had cheated death long after all his friends had embraced the grim reaper.

But it was not the grim reaper that came, but a welcome friend.  The last one he knew.  His life had been full, yet now it was empty.  All the people he had known were gone.  The sports heros and entertainers he had grown up with long ago passed away.  And he felt alone.  His family (children) were still around, and he loved them dearly.  But they had lives of their own.  And he was but a burden.

Death came not as thief in the night, but as - at long last - a welcome friend.  He is with his loved ones now.  With the people he grew up with, and the people he looked up to.  The ones he cheered on, the ones that cheered him on.

And in the end, I can think of no more fulfilling life - and ultimately the last act of life, death - for a person to have lived.

Go with friends and family long past my friend.  And rest in peace.

on Aug 28, 2008

Read it...paused...thought...can't think of a thing to add.  Condolences?

on Aug 28, 2008

What makes life sweet is its brevity -if you grasp it and live it to the fullest exent you can.

A nice tribute, Doc.

on Aug 28, 2008

Read it...paused...thought...can't think of a thing to add. Condolences?

FOr the living.  FOr him, no.  I think he really is at peace.  Strange what the mind thinks of.  He was a good man.  He jsut outlived all his friends, and was tired.  NOw I see why many societies have a party for one who passes (at least those that die of old age).  It is not so much that their body gives out, but their will to live.  And makes me appreciate the fact that life is a terminal journey.  I do want to meet the end at a full gallop, but I dont want to hang around after the race.

on Aug 28, 2008

What makes life sweet is its brevity -if you grasp it and live it to the fullest exent you can.

I wish I had thought of that statement to put in his guest book.  That one would have been perfect.

on Aug 29, 2008

You said this wonderfully, Doc.

on Aug 29, 2008

You said this wonderfully, Doc.

Thanks.  I hope all is well with yoru step father.

on Aug 29, 2008

A beautifully written tribute to a friend,  sorry for your loss Dr. Guy.

I hope I'm as brave as you and can write half as good a tribute to my friend who's end is near...


on Aug 29, 2008

I hope I'm as brave as you and can write half as good a tribute to my friend who's end is near...

This was not an "end is near" because so many go too soon.  This was a release.  Not from any disease or vegitative state, but just tired of life.  He outlived his friends, and was tired.  I saw, for a moment, what he felt.  And so I will miss him, but I am happy for him.