Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on May 24, 2008 By Dr Guy In Blogging

I recently had the opportunity to take my mother computer shopping. Now for those who know me, don't faint! Yes, my mother now has a computer! For those who don't know, my mother is soon to be 75. She spent her entire career working on big iron! But in her retirement, she has refused to have one! Just plain refused. Until now.

While visiting with her, she found an Ad for a laptop at Office Depot. $329! Now that is a damn good price! So I took her to get it.

We got there, and were looking for this great bargain. It was nowhere to be found. So finally, Mr. Bait N. Switch walks up and asks if he can help. Sure! Show us this laptop! "We do not have them here. You have to pay $50 to have it shipped in, and it will take 3 weeks." - Say what? You advertise it (it was advertised in a local advertisement) and you don't have it, and then you want to charge more?

"But we do have some of these nice machines for $479 you can have today." - yea, right! $479 is not a steal or deal. You can get them at that price almost anywhere. But the shyster did not stop there. Then he tries to sell my mother a $180 "package". What does this package contain?

 - Enhancements to the warranty (righhhtttt! - they repair it? I think not)

 - AntiVirus Software Suite - It was Symantec, and not one I would recommend now anyway, and can be had on the Internet for about $35.

 - A Clean Machine - they remove unwanted programs.

 - "Other Goodies" to protect you like malware protection.

So I tell my mother - it is not worth it. I can clean up the computer in a little time, I would recommend AVG for the cheap and McAfee for the peace of mind folks, and the rest are either freeware or not needed.

But Mr. Shyster continues trying to tell me that it is needed! Yea, right! "Your warranty does not cover you fully" - Uh, yes it does - especially if you get a dell dummy! On and on for 15 minutes this cretin spouts off his limited knowledge that a first year tech student can see he does not understand or comprehend. So Finally, I tell mom - let's go.

Apparently they do not have a reputable selling policy in this chain! As we leave, I tell the clown - I will match initials behind my name with you any day of the week, and will not be recommending your place to anyone after this bait and switch schlock job!

As it turns out, I was not able to get mom a computer before I left. But we found one at Circuit City for $549 that included the router, All-In-One printer, and AV software suite. My brother took her to get it. He knows more about computers than the clown at Office Depot.

Now I have to get a subscription to LogMeIn so I can help her without the 12 hour drive to Florida. I would get Mason to do it, but he is gone too much.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 24, 2008
Typical. If a store doesn't have something they advertised I don't buy anything at all there.

Oh, by the way, lose your "Enter" key? No paragraph breaks
on May 24, 2008

Oh, by the way, lose your "Enter" key? No paragraph breaks

Always check your work! - No, I used Live Writer and then did not check it after posting it.  Just checked it after my call to Netapp.  Ugh!  It was ugly!  Hope it is easier to read now.

on May 24, 2008
  Listening to computer talk reminds me of going into a bar in Saigon...I just knew the conversation was something I should be aware of...but those dinks all spoke greek.  
on May 24, 2008
all spoke greek.

on May 24, 2008
on May 24, 2008
I am glad you didn't let yourself get bullied into anything you didn't want to get.

Congrats to the new computer owner!
on May 25, 2008
Congrats to the new computer owner!

Now we have to make sure she uses it! I think we found the key. She is getting tired of the 3-5 phone calls a night since her operation (from us kids) and maybe we can convince her that we will email her instead of calling her - so she can respond at her liesure.
on May 25, 2008

Congrats to your mom for being brave to get one of them darn things!LOL!  Gosh, I can't tell you how many times that bait and switch goes on around the state!  It's horrible!  Good thing you didn't fall for it!  They should be held accountable, unfortunately they aren't!

on May 26, 2008

That is very typical. You think you're coming in for a sale, and by the time you're finished, you've spent a hundred extra dollars. And THAT'S before you know if the computer works well.

Incidentally, I did respond to your comment. It was fairly lengthy, actually.

on May 26, 2008
Gosh, I can't tell you how many times that bait and switch goes on around the state! It's horrible! Good thing you didn't fall for it!

If I did not have more initials than names, I might have fallen for it. But as that is my chosen career, I can see through the BS. Guess I should have worn my awards around my neck for the clown to see.
on May 26, 2008
And THAT'S before you know if the computer works well.

Incidentally, I did respond to your comment. It was fairly lengthy, actually.


I will read your comment soon. I have been busy cutting down trees today. Well, at least it was fun being outside.
on May 26, 2008

The worst offenders in my books are the car salesmen. Used car salesmen. A friend of mine was looking to get a decent used car for a reasonable price. Nothing fancy, the kind of vehicle that won't break your wallet and you're not ashamed to be seen in.

So we look around a bit and find a 2003 generic with good miles and a really decent price. Almost getting into the "too good to be true" category but not quite. Only thing is, it's being advertised by a dealership in a town that's 4 hours away. Carfax (I think it was carfax...) search comes back clean so we call the dealer for more info.

Dealer assures us that the price is not a penny more than advertised, no additional fees tacked on. He tells us if we show up with the sum advertised in the paper (I think it was 9 grand or something) the vehicle's ours.

So the weekend comes and we make the trip to the dealer. We get there, dealer is nice, promptly gives us the keys for a test drive. My friend likes the car, we get back and tell the dealer let's sign on the dotted line. Suddenly, the price goes up by $ 1500.0! He upped the main price by 1000.0 and then threw various fees on top. 

We say WTF?!?! He says that the price has now gone up because we expressed interest. Although he didn't say it, you could tell by his body language that he figured he had us by the balls because we had an 8 hour round trip and probably didn't want to go home empty handed. So we say no thanks, see you later! His reaction was a hurt look and saying that he didn't understand why we wouldn't stick around to wheel and deal for a better price.

on May 26, 2008

Furniture stores do the bait and switch all the damn time.

Rose and I were looking for a new dining room table. We will see a nice one in the paper and everytime they will be out of it and try to get us to buy something else. I told them I was never going to their store again. Maybe I went a little overboard but still.

on May 26, 2008

This type of advertising sucks.  I too have been a victim of it, with the store using the excuse 'oh, we've run out of that item'.  I'm betting they never had it in stock to begin with and just used it to suck people into their store.  The bastards should be done for false advertising.

I'm pleased your mother got a good laptop in the end anyway.

on May 27, 2008
We say WTF?!?! He says that the price has now gone up because we expressed interest.

I think my expression would have been a bit more extreme than WTF! A 4 hour wasted trip would have really burned me!
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