So says Obama! Yes, this man has been campaigning so hard, he has campaigned in 57 States! (not Including Oregon, where the statement was made, and Hawaii and Alaska). 60 States!
We best pull all the civics books from the classrooms! They are just flat out wrong! They only list 50 states! And we know a liberal would never lie, right?
But wait! Where could that 57 number have come from? Maybe he was mistaking the US of A for some other country, place or thing? So where did 57 come from? Hmmm......... Well, perhaps it came from - Organization of the Islamic Conference, representing the 57 Islamic states!
And we thought he was running for the president of America. Apparently not! Hillary has the nod as she (at least the last I checked) is running for the president of the US of A!
Seems Obama just had a Gerald Ford moment. And the campaign has not even started! WOnder what he will be running for in the fall? Emperor of the known universe?