Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Or Why am I here
Published on September 17, 2004 By Dr Guy In Welcome
I have never tried Blogging before, but figured now was a time to get my feet wet. This is supposed to be an intro, so I will just give a thumbnail of who I am.

I am a 40ish male in the IT world. Been married twice with 4 children, the oldest 2 in College. I am in charge of a 10k user network, but along with the rest of the staff, thins normally run quietly and smoothly. When they dont, there are a ton of angry users breathing down our necks to fix it NOW.

The rest of the time, I enjoy time with my children, and my cats. And vacationing in California. I lived there for over 6 years growing up, but settled on the right coast. Of course with all the hurricanes this year, it appears more to be the wrong coast.

I do not belong to any party, but do vote every year. I am happy to say I dont betray a party, so when I split tickets or vote one way or the other, I do so from the standpoint o the person with the most integrity. I figure all of them will lie, cheat and steal, so it will be the one that will do the least of it. Cynical? Yep.

BTW: The Name is french, so it is pronounced (hard G) gee. Not like gee willikers, but like the g in gateway, and the ey in key. IN fact, it rhymes with Key.

on Oct 27, 2006
i bet a 10k usernet is a lot smaller now? Todays must be bigger?

Glad you made it to JU Doc
on Oct 27, 2006
what I mean to say is todays usernets are a lot bigger yes? I do talk in circles dont I?
on Oct 27, 2006
Not Usenet, LAN. As in I support a 10k user lan. Usenet? I have not been there for a long time.

BTW: The job is a lot more fun now!