JDKeepsmiling had a question. Is the current rush to pass a stimulus package going to work?
Good question. While I am not going to mail my check back (unfortunately, since I am "rich" I wont get the full amount), is it what is really needed? That was his question. And a good one.
For me, the answer is simple (and I said so on his blog). No.
But this morning, while doing housework and listening to the radio (I am domesticated.
), I heard a caller nail it. ANd the answer is so simple that anyone could have said it. Yet before him, I had heard no one say it.
Cut the taxes for the companies so they can HIRE more workers! Sure I am going to love my check. I will spend some and save some. The companies that are out there and suffering just as the rest of us are, however, are going to use it to either hire someone, or better yet, not lay off someone! Cutting their taxes (for the dense, this is not corporate welfare as it is just taking less), is bypassing the middleman and going straight to the source. After all, why are they trying to "give" (a lie, they are just taking less) us money? To spend so that companies can expand!
So "give" (take less) to the companies to begin with! Yea, I will miss that $300 (or so), but it will help the economy more than filtering it through others (if that is really the intent - which it is not... it is just a vote getter).
Alas, simplicity and politics in the same sentence are an oxymoron. Duplicity and politics.......