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When Brain Dead Administrators do Much Harm
Published on November 21, 2007 By Dr Guy In Current Events

One of my "windmills" that I joust at is the stupidity of Zero Tolerance.  I have written more articles than I care to think of on the subject pointing out that School Administrators - as a group, appear to be brain dead, and nothing more than automatons.  Having worked in the field for over 10 years, I saw it first hand.  Don't get me wrong.  I am not talking about all educators.  Indeed, I found most teachers (definitely not all) to be highly competent and caring - and hamstrung by what the husband of a teacher called "burnt out teachers promoted to administrators".

And so it goes.  So Johnny gets suspended for thinking of a gun.  OK, that does affect his future, but as someone said "kids are made of rubber - they bounce back".  Most will anyway.

But when those very same brain dead administrators decide that the best way to reduce crime is to not report it - then real damage is done!  And so it goes with the latest one.  An Assistant principal decided that in order to reduce the crime level in his school - no calls to 911 would be made without his express approval (and the rest of the brain dead group went along with it).  And in so doing, they have probably condemned a young girl to a life time of hardship because SHE WAS SUFFERING A STROKE!

If the circumstances were not so horrific, this would be a great joke on the Internet.  But it is no Joke.  it is a sad fact - a the perfect illustration - of the current state of Public education in this nation.  A monopoly that is regulated by no one (since it is government - how can you regulate yourself?).  And one that not only abuses our children - but now endangers them.

people will say "Put them in Private school!" and for many (and many are doing it) that is an option, but for most it is not.  Even more damning is the fact that regardless of whether you can pay for private education or not, you ARE paying for their public education.  And education that is basically treating them like statistics.  And because of those statistics, endangering them to life long disabilities.

Gideon has his Windmill - CPS.  Anyone who reads me knows mine - ZT=ZI.  And until we get those brain dead teachers (called administrators) out of Public education, it is the most dangerous place for the children to be.  And a vast waste of your tax dollars.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 22, 2007
As far as the kids not calling go, I'd say it would be one of those situations where they aren't at fault for not breaking the rules and calling 9/11, but some did, then they are heroes.

It is not even clear that the kids knew about it. Since when does a kid want to go to the office?
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