Ok, it is pushing 120 here. And we all know about the arguement of dry versus humid heat. I am one of the ringleaders in that debate. And recently we had 105 with humidity - it was worse than a sauna.
But I am here to tell you that high humidity has one advantage over real heat! My feet!
I have hated shoes since I had to wear corrective ones as a child. As the others ran and jumped in their keds (sorry kiddies, no Nikes then), I was forced to klod along with my stupid kookie shoes. And so as I finally outgrew those corrective shoes, I desired no shoes!
105 with high humidity is nothing! My feet laugh at you as I walk barefoot over the concrete and earth! I laugh at the people drooping in the heat of that piddly temperature!
120 with no humidity did me in! I could only walk on the pavement and dirt for a minute before my caloused souls cried "no Mas!". My body said "go go go!". My feet said "no no no!". My feet won.
So to end the age old argument of dry heat versus humid heat. if you like barefoot, humid heat is best! As long as my dogs can breath, I dont need to!
Dont ya just hate global foot warming?