In yet another example of how some think that only the value of their ideas and words are worthy of dissemination, Betty Williams - a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, wants to kill George Bush. It would be funny if the joke was not so stale by now of others with a lesser claim to fame, calling for the exact same thing.
The Nobel Peace prize is supposed to represent the ideal of bringing peaceful settlement to conflicts. It is supposed to be won by people that promote peaceful alternatives to forceful means when resolving problems around the world.
Sadly, that is not the case, and recent winners seem to re-enforce the perception that all it is, is a platform for a bunch of pinched nose intellects to further their agenda. Betty Williams is the latest example of how hypocritical the recipients are. They want peace - but only on their terms and definitions.
She is not the first, nor will she be the last. Of the hypocrites that say one thing, and do another. Our world seems to have run out of Mahatma Ghandis and Mother Theresa's, instead being forced to settle for - not second tier, but no tier - candidates that hardly represent the ideal that Alfred Nobel was looking for when he established the prize.
What is all to common today, sadly, is the people saying they want peace - but using violent means to force their viewpoint on others. Just last week, a Marine was shot by a "peace protester" who did not like the Iraqi war. If these were rare and uncommon occurrences, we could cluck cluck and express our sadness over a few deranged individuals. But when the trickle becomes a raging river of such examples, we can no longer brush aside the ugly truth that these purveyors of Peace are nothing more than war mongers - on their own terms.
The only peace they apparently want, is a peace dictated by their terms and conditions, and forced upon mankind through any means necessary. Including force of arms.
In some ways, the only difference between the communist dictators of the past, and the peace movement of today - is the amount of power they wield. Give them enough power, and the true gulags of Stalin will arise right here in America. But they will not be run by George Bush. They will be run by the likes of Betty Williams.