But you cant catch me cause I am the BLOOD man!
Yep, just gave my "official" 97th pint to the VBS (about 150 total since I started giving). They were talking to me about doing a double. Hey! That sounded good! Take 2 pints and call me in 16 weeks! Takes a little longer (they put the plasma back in and just keep the red cells), but hey! No needles for 16 weeks! Who would not go for it! So I said yea!
So I sit down next to the machine (they use to stick 2 needles in you and do it manually - now it is all done at once! Cool!), and said, take 2! The guy next to me says "sounds like the real deal! Take 2 from me too!". So I prepare for a half hour session where they get for the price of one.
Then the lady looks at my paperwork. "Oh no! We cant take 2 from you! We need ALL your components!" Why says I? "Cause you got O-!" Curses! The reason they hound me is my downfall again! But misery loves company, so she turns to the guy next to me, looks at his paperwork, and says "You too! We need ALL your components too!" (We were the only ones that said yes to the question to that point).
Drats! I guess the phlebotomist was upset that she got 2 blood brothers who were eager to give (actually we were just both chicken and figured one less needle stick was worth the time - but don't tell the nice lady that.
Oh, and more good news! My BP is fine! I did not know that it could get better, but I guess that low cholesterol diet has fixed my BP as well! YooHOO! I see the doc again in October, and maybe he can pronounce me healthy again! (I have been off the medicine for about 3 months now).
My taste buds may never forgive me, and they will (it appears) have a long time to hate me!