Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on June 8, 2007 By Dr Guy In Current Events

This is freaking unbelievable! This was taken off of the front page of Foxnews!  Eerily reminiscent of 13 years ago!

At least the OJ parade was about a newsworthy event! (a murder).  This is just stupid!

on Jun 08, 2007
Are we talking about Paris Hilton's motorcade to the LA County Courthouse? Please elaborate...
on Jun 08, 2007

Are we talking about Paris Hilton's motorcade to the LA County Courthouse?

Yes, another convoy in LA!

on Jun 08, 2007
Yes, we all DO want her dead. So they better protect her ugly butt. I wouldn't kill her myself, though, as I want to stay out of prison, unlike some celebrities.
on Jun 08, 2007

Yes, we all DO want her dead. So they better protect her ugly butt. I wouldn't kill her myself, though, as I want to stay out of prison, unlike some celebrities.

I just dont understand the media playing on this.  We have some really major news stories, and they lead with this!

on Jun 09, 2007
OK.. she doesn't have the brains to read what she signs. She doesn't know how to put gas in her own car. She has nude videos on the web, she makes a living out of partying, drinking, and sleeping around.

Why do we want to hear about this?

At least OJ had some interest... she is just boring. a rich witch who has no feelings other than for herself to get what she wants when she wants it.

I'm so tired of this bs. I'm ready for anything.. heck I'll listen to the political debates and all that goes with it if they just stop about paris.. gezzzzzzzz
on Jun 11, 2007

heck I'll listen to the political debates and all that goes with it if they just stop about paris.. gezzzzzzzz

Ouch!  That is drastic!

on Jun 11, 2007
"I just dont understand the media playing on this. We have some really major news stories, and they lead with this!"

OJ didn't have tits. Also, it wasn't fun to hate OJ. Most of the people who watch her "Simple Life" show hate her, and watch it just to bitch about it.

One thing to consider: she's rich. Why does she bother with TV shows, albums, etc., when she has enough money to live the rest of her life without lifting a finger? Homemade porn is just a brief embarrassment, but the Simple Life? Most rich people wouldn't stoop to it.

She knows what she is doing, and she knows that most people are not fans. She gets off on people hating her, I think. The jail thing is just one battle in that war that she lost.
on Jun 11, 2007
With her money and she couldn't of bought her way out of this at the git-go? Heh, the whole thing is just for publicity and attention which I see she's getting PLENTY of.
on Jun 11, 2007
OJ didn't have tits. Also, it wasn't fun to hate OJ. Most of the people who watch her "Simple Life" show hate her, and watch it just to bitch about it.

No arguement with any thing you posted, but my question is not for Paris, or OJ. It is for Fox. WHY lead with this? Maybe they are becoming the "National Enquirer" of broadcast news.
on Jun 11, 2007
Heh, the whole thing is just for publicity and attention which I see she's getting PLENTY of.

It probably is, but then "news" organizations do not need to provide it to her for free.
on Jun 11, 2007
"WHY lead with this? Maybe they are becoming the "National Enquirer" of broadcast news."

This is what has replaced the "positive news" stuff. People are sick of the war, already bored with the presidential race. No cute blond girls have disappeared on vacation recently. Normally in the past they'd have a story about something positive, but now we as a society would rather watch Paris Hilton sob.

Which, I guess, is positive in a way...
on Jun 11, 2007
Which, I guess, is positive in a way...

That was bad. Funny, but bad.
on Jun 12, 2007
The news channels have two driving forces:
1) the demand to fill twenty-four hours with news.
2) the demand to fill it with stuff people are interested in.

If no one cared about Paris, no news agency would report it. Unless they're just trying to fill their twenty-four hour news cycle.
on Jun 12, 2007

Unless they're just trying to fill their twenty-four hour news cycle.

24 hour news service is a good idea - when there is news to report.  But it has become just an extension of Entertainment Tonight as ther is not 24x7x365 news out there.  As we saw with the Tech Shooting, they had to keep harping on it and harping on it even when there was nothing there to report (new).  I understand that.

But again, why the lead story for what amounts to a non-story? (BTW:  CNN did the same thing, so it is not just Fox).  I can see reporting that she went back to jail (and even talking about her sobbing and crying Mom), but a picture of her escort caravan????