This is freaking unbelievable! This was taken off of the front page of Foxnews! Eerily reminiscent of 13 years ago!
At least the OJ parade was about a newsworthy event! (a murder). This is just stupid!
Yes, another convoy in LA!
I just dont understand the media playing on this. We have some really major news stories, and they lead with this!
Ouch! That is drastic!
24 hour news service is a good idea - when there is news to report. But it has become just an extension of Entertainment Tonight as ther is not 24x7x365 news out there. As we saw with the Tech Shooting, they had to keep harping on it and harping on it even when there was nothing there to report (new). I understand that.
But again, why the lead story for what amounts to a non-story? (BTW: CNN did the same thing, so it is not just Fox). I can see reporting that she went back to jail (and even talking about her sobbing and crying Mom), but a picture of her escort caravan????