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Long live the King (NOT!)
Published on May 31, 2007 By Dr Guy In Current Events

The Feds finally (as in why did they not do this 4 years ago?) caught up with the person they think is responsible for a large part of the growing spam problem (and we are not talking the stuff that comes from pigs).

Robert Soloway, who was (is?) living a life of luxury on the backs of zombie computers that send out millions of spam messages daily was arrested and 4 of his accounts (they seem to think he has many more) seized, and hopefully his enterprise shut down.  I say hopefully since he already has $17 million in judgments against him (that I gather he failed to pay), and nothing was done to him after those convictions.  Granted, those were civil cases that resulted in monetary awards, but when you have the smoke coming from a gun, you look at the person holding the gun!

Justice delayed may not always be justice served, but at least it is a respite for every Internet user's mailbox.  He and his ilk have caused a lot of innovations in the email industry, but ones that we could have lived without if the cause was not so aggravating and time wasting.

I think this is one case that all of us can celebrate!  I for one am going to email this to all my friends.  Some may be feeling lonely with the lack of spam they now have to deal with.

on May 31, 2007
I saw this news! He could only 'run' for so long!
on May 31, 2007
He could only 'run' for so long!

That is the sad part. Apparently he has been known for quite some time, but it took them this long to shut him down.
on May 31, 2007
How many more are out there to get rid of DG? one down and ______ to go? It is a start though

on May 31, 2007
one down and ______ to go? It is a start though

From the article, he was a BIG one!

But I am not ready for that spam strategy just yet.