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Soul Bowl
Published on February 4, 2007 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Soul superbowl?  Give me a break!  That is the worst slur against Smith and Dungy I have ever heard!  They did not get there by being black!  They Earned it!  Every inch of the way!  They are the best this year!  And their race, to the shame of the PC clowns, did not help or hinder them!  Why?  Because in so few areas of this nation, but fortunately for the NFL, there is no affirmative action.  There is no “Lets pretend someone is inferior and give them a boost”.   There is only END Results!


This is no “Soul Bowl”.  This is a SuperBowl!  Of the best teams and coaches in the league.  No Affirmative action!  No Preference!  Just pure talent making a difference!


And the liberals hate it!  And I am glad.


on Feb 05, 2007
It's ridiculous Doc. I've watched Lovie and the other guy at a pre-match meeting. They're coaches and friends but why the media has to blow up the black thing is beyond me. You're not in sixties America!
on Feb 05, 2007

You're not in sixties America!

I think we need to keep yelling that.  Even Dungy, upon winning the game, said the best part of it was that they were the best!  Not black coaches. Coaches!

on Feb 05, 2007
Exactly what difference does their racial heritage make when it comes to coaching football (or just about anything else?). This just shows the racist minds of the morons who say this sort of crap.

I see a couple of coaches who happen to be black. They see two black men who happen to be coaches. There is a big difference between those two views.

on Feb 05, 2007
I see a couple of coaches who happen to be black. They see two black men who happen to be coaches. There is a big difference between those two views.

Agreed. I dont think most people take the first view, but the media seems obsessed with the latter.