Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on December 29, 2006 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Of his guilt, I think there is no question.  But I think the haste leaves a lot to be desired.  What is the rush?  I guess for his victims, there is no haste, just a long delay.  And I cannot "understand" what they have been through, only read it like a B Rated Horror movie.

But whatever the reason for the haste, one thing is for certain.  While the brain dead will paint this as an act by the "puppet" government of Iraq, it is clear, the US would rather it take a normal, not an expidited course.

But for all the hate and anger his victims hold, I will say this to them.  His death is not going to take that away, nor atone for his sins of the past.  In effect, it will be a meaningless death.  One that will be a mere footnote in History books.  With no Glory, no Honor, and no purpose.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 29, 2006
But I think the haste leaves a lot to be desired

I think the haste is long overdue Doc. The victims lie in cold graves without justice and the families of those victims have waited long enough too.

It is no loss to the world his passing - if it happens - there will of course be a conspiracy theory that he was spirited out and a look alike was hung in his place and he can be spotted along the coast of Cuba that will be bandied about sometime soon!
on Dec 29, 2006
Iraqi law says MUST be carried out before 30 days have passed. personally I would love partially hanging him almost to death, say "just kiddin" cut him down and do it over and over again till he lost his mind.
on Dec 29, 2006
Iraqi law says MUST be carried out before 30 days have passed. personally I would love partially hanging him almost to death, say "just kiddin" cut him down and do it over and over again till he lost his mind.

hahhahahah you are incorrigible!
on Dec 29, 2006

I think the haste is long overdue Doc. The victims lie in cold graves without justice and the families of those victims have waited long enough too.

Justice?  Will his death bring the victims back?  No, his death is pure vengence, and that is a hollow reward.  I respect those who cry out for blood, and if I was in their position, I would at first in the heat of the moment.  But in the end, his death will not bring justice or closure.  Just a hollow victory.

on Dec 29, 2006

I would love partially hanging him almost to death, say "just kiddin" cut him down and do it over and over again till he lost his mind.

Well, now.....That might be justice!  At least it would give them some grim rewards I suppose!

on Dec 29, 2006

hahhahahah you are incorrigible!

Never underestimate the ModMan!

on Dec 29, 2006
Justice? Will his death bring the victims back? No, his death is pure vengence, and that is a hollow reward. I respect those who cry out for blood, and if I was in their position, I would at first in the heat of the moment. But in the end, his death will not bring justice or closure. Just a hollow victory.

I believe that if he is alive there is more chance of "things" happening, if he is dead, he can never hurt another soul.

If he is locked up for life he can still organise, give orders or some stuff - where there is a will there is a way, he will get the info out. He could still harm others. Dead he is incapable of doing nothing at all.
on Dec 29, 2006
Hang Him High, Drag Him Low!!

Dr. Guy:
Justice? Will his death bring the victims back?

Justice has nothing to do with "bringing his victims back"... If we used that as the standard for punishment, we would have to let all murderers and rapists go free, since neither can make restitution for what they have done.

The fact is, now that Hussein has been tried, convicted and sentenced, if they do not carry out that sentence under existing laws, the credibility of their justice system will be forfeited.
on Dec 29, 2006
Will his death bring the victims back?

No, but neither will keeping him in prison for untold years. He's been found guilty and under their law has been sentenced to death.

By definition it is justice. There are those who believe the punishment is morally wrong and I understand that, but it does in fact meet the definition of justice.

Frankly, I believe the man has earned his hanging so it's better to just go ahead and get it over with than to have him sitting in some cell waiting for it to come.

on Dec 29, 2006

believe that if he is alive there is more chance of "things" happening, if he is dead, he can never hurt another soul.

If he is locked up for life he can still organise, give orders or some stuff - where there is a will there is a way, he will get the info out. He could still harm others. Dead he is incapable of doing nothing at all.

That is one thought, but not mine.  It is valid.  I dont argue it.  But I dont think in the end, it is the justification the relatives of the victims are looking for.

on Dec 29, 2006

f we used that as the standard for punishment, we would have to let all murderers and rapists go free, since neither can make restitution for what they have done.

No, we would not have to let them go free.  I said justice.  Not vengence, or tit for tat.  I do understand and will not condemn those who want it.  But I question the fact that it will bring closure.  Too often it does not.  Just a hollow victory over a now defenseless perp.

You know my view.  But I do not shove it down anyone's throat.  And understand their views even if I do not agree with them.

on Dec 29, 2006
Justice has nothing to do with "bringing his victims back"... If we used that as the standard for punishment, we would have to let all murderers and rapists go free, since neither can make restitution for what they have done.

The fact is, now that Hussein has been tried, convicted and sentenced, if they do not carry out that sentence under existing laws, the credibility of their justice system will be forfeited.
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oh well said Para - brilliantly put.
on Dec 29, 2006
Good riddance !
Même si ça reste le meilleur service qu'on puisse lui rendre...

Is That an anticipated new resolution for 2007 ?   
on Dec 29, 2006
Sorry, I remember something. I guess that they can't do it cause of Feast of Sacrifice in muslim world.

Notice that the expression suits him !
on Dec 29, 2006
The holiday is why they are going to execute him this morning (their time). So it can be done before the holiday officially starts.
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